Use sqb2mtf to convert each of the two sqb files to native backup files, then use the RESTORE command with two DISK parameters to restore the backup e.g.
sqb2mtf <path>\xxxx_backup_1.sqb <path>\xxxx_backup_1.bak
sqb2mtf <path>\xxxx_backup_2.sqb <path>\xxxx_backup_2.bak
RESTORE DATABASE xxxx FROM DISK = '<path>\xxxx_backup_1.bak', DISK = '<path>\xxxx_backup_2.bak' -
Thank you, Peter. That worked!
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e.g. If I have xxxx_backup_1.sqb and xxxx_backup_2.sqb can I use the sqb2mtf command to obtain a usable xxxx_backup.bak file? If so, how?