.NET Reflector 6 (version 6.8 ) is the last free version of .NET Reflector but, unlike previous free editions, it will not expire or force you to update.

.NET Reflector 6 is identical in functionality to the stand alone version of .NET Reflector we shipped for version 6.6. It does not include a Visual Studio add-in, or debugging functionality. We have added a welcome screen to keep users up to date with future versions of Reflector. .NET Reflector 6 does not include any of the bug fixes or new features available in version 7.

.NET Reflector 6 is only available to existing users of the free edition via the built in check for updates mechanism. No separate download will be available.

Upgrading to version 6.8

For the vast majority of people (using version 6.6) the upgrade procedure will go as follows:

• .NET Reflector will warn of an expiry or an upcoming expiry
• Ignore any warning that this will be the last free version of Reflector
• Click 'Yes' to any message that offers an update or a trial of a later version
• You should now be downloading .NET Reflector 6.8

Alternatively you can use the 'check for updates' feature inside the .NET Reflector help menu to download version 6.8. If you have recently upgraded to .NET Reflector 6.7 you can either wait for an expiry message to appear at the end of June or manually check for updates to upgrade to version 6.8 today.

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