Hi - you should ask this on the help forum at
It's a shame, especially as the .NET 4.0 version works.
The reference source might help:
The file is installed under the oh-so-obvious path of:
The GetUrl method:[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1055", Justification = "Consistent with other URL properties in ASP.NET.")] protected internal override string GetUrl(ScriptManager scriptManager, bool zip) { bool isDebuggingEnabled = !scriptManager.DeploymentSectionRetail && ((ScriptMode == ScriptMode.Debug) || (((ScriptMode == ScriptMode.Inherit) || (ScriptMode == ScriptMode.Auto)) && (scriptManager.IsDebuggingEnabled))); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Path)) { string path = Path; if (isDebuggingEnabled) { path = GetDebugPath(path); } if (scriptManager.EnableScriptLocalization && (ResourceUICultures != null) && (ResourceUICultures.Length != 0)) { CultureInfo currentCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture; string cultureName = null; bool found = false; while (!currentCulture.Equals(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { cultureName = currentCulture.ToString(); foreach (string uiCulture in ResourceUICultures) { if (String.Equals(cultureName, uiCulture.Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) break; currentCulture = currentCulture.Parent; } if (found) { path = (path.Substring(0, path.Length - 2) + cultureName + ".js"); } } // ResolveClientUrl is appropriate here because the path is consumed by the page it was declared within return ClientUrlResolver.ResolveClientUrl(path); } List<Pair<Assembly, List<Pair<string, CultureInfo>>>> resources = new List<Pair<Assembly, List<Pair<string, CultureInfo>>>>(); Pair<Assembly, List<Pair<string, CultureInfo>>> resourceList = null; foreach (ScriptReference reference in Scripts) { bool hasPath = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(reference.Path); bool isPathBased = hasPath || (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptManager.ScriptPath) && !reference.IgnoreScriptPath); Assembly resourceAssembly = hasPath ? null : (reference.GetAssembly() ?? AssemblyCache.SystemWebExtensions); Assembly cacheAssembly = isPathBased ? null : (reference.GetAssembly() ?? AssemblyCache.SystemWebExtensions); CultureInfo culture = reference.DetermineCulture(); if ((resourceList == null) || (resourceList.First != cacheAssembly)) { resourceList = new Pair<Assembly, List<Pair<string, CultureInfo>>>( cacheAssembly, new List<Pair<string, CultureInfo>>()); resources.Add(resourceList); } string resourceName = null; ScriptMode effectiveScriptModeForReference = reference.EffectiveScriptMode; bool isDebuggingEnabledForReference = (effectiveScriptModeForReference == ScriptMode.Inherit) ? isDebuggingEnabled : (effectiveScriptModeForReference == ScriptMode.Debug); if (isPathBased) { if (hasPath) { resourceName = reference.GetPath(reference.Path, isDebuggingEnabledForReference); if (scriptManager.EnableScriptLocalization && !culture.Equals(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { resourceName = (resourceName.Substring(0, resourceName.Length - 2) + culture.ToString() + ".js"); } } else { string name = reference.GetResourceName(reference.Name, resourceAssembly, isDebuggingEnabledForReference); resourceName = ScriptReference.GetScriptPath( name, resourceAssembly, culture, scriptManager.ScriptPath); } // ResolveClientUrl not appropriate here because the handler that will serve the response is not // in the same directory as the page that is generating the url. Instead, an absolute url is needed // as with ResolveUrl(). However, ResolveUrl() would prepend the entire application root name. For // example, ~/foo.js would be /TheApplicationRoot/foo.js. If there are many path based scripts the // app root would be repeated many times, which for deep apps or long named apps could cause the url // to reach the maximum 1024 characters very quickly. So, the path is combined with the control's // AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory manually, so that ~/foo.js remains ~/foo.js, and foo/bar.js // becomes ~/templatesource/foo/bar.js. Absolute paths can remain as is. The ScriptResourceHandler will // resolve the ~/ with the app root using VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(). if (UrlPath.IsRelativeUrl(resourceName) && !UrlPath.IsAppRelativePath(resourceName)) { resourceName = UrlPath.Combine(ClientUrlResolver.AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory, resourceName); } } else { resourceName = reference.GetResourceName(reference.Name, resourceAssembly, isDebuggingEnabledForReference); } resourceList.Second.Add(new Pair<string, CultureInfo>(resourceName, culture)); } return ScriptResourceHandler.GetScriptResourceUrl(resources, zip, NotifyScriptLoaded); }
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Go to System.Web.UI.CompositeScriptReference
Try to decompile GetUrl method
Get an error
I reported this several years ago actually, I just want to see the inside of that method already!