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Restore of diff backup after full hangs indefinitely.

We're trying to restore database 'B' of the latest DIFF from database 'A'. Tried this first thru the SQLBackup GUI.

Server is a 64-bit SQL instance at SP3. SQL Backup version is and the Service Application Version is

The Full restores fine, but the DIFF hangs indefinitely after processing the backup file, the job never finishes and the database never comes out of 'Restoring' status.

We killed the job on the SQL Backup GUI and then tried to do it directly via SSMS. Did this by copying the command line code generated by the GUI. Same thing, Full restore completes but it hangs on the DIFF after processing what seems to be the whole DIFF file.

The step for the FULL that completes fine:

EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [train] FROM DISK = ''\\dwcifs01\sqlbackups01\Prod\DWSQL03\son_db\FULL\DWSQL03_son_db_FULL_20110501_044315.sqb'' WITH NORECOVERY, MOVE ''elitedbs.mdf'' TO ''H:\EliteDB\train_db.mdf'', MOVE ''logelitedbs.ldf'' TO ''I:\EliteTLogs\train_db_log.ldf'', REPLACE"'

The step for the DIFF that never finishes:

EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [train] FROM DISK = ''\\dwcifs01\sqlbackups01\Prod\DWSQL03\son_db\DIFF\DWSQL03_son_db_DIFF_20110502_000213.sqb'' WITH RECOVERY"'

Requesting assistance. Tried running 'EXEC master..sqbutility 9997' on another query window to see if the output would point us to a root cause but I got a NULL response.

Need this resolved.


1 comment

  • petey
    When you run sqbutlility 9997, a file named 'SQBCoreService_<instance name>_bugreport.txt' is created in 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Log\' on Windows 2003 and older, and 'C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Log\' on Windows Vista and newer. Can you find the file there?


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