Hi Dan,
I've tried reproducing this by creating the AvailableForPurchase table, but I only see each column once in the suggestions list, as expected.
I tried creating the table in both the current database, and also (since you referred to it as Aggregation.dbo.AvailableForPurchase) in a different database, but with the same results.
Would it be possible for you to post full reproduction steps, starting with an empty database?
Paul -
For some reason it's not doing it anymore.
If I see it again, I'll post what I know.
Thanks Paul!
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SELECT [AvailableForPurchase].[KC_ID],
FROM [Aggregation].[dbo].[AvailableForPurchase] WITH (NOLOCK)
When I use CTRL-[Space] to expose the suggestion list, each column shows up twice in the suggestion list, despite only existing once in [AvailableForPurchase].
Why is this happening?
Thanks in advance!