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Error during connection to the database catalog in SVN

Today I have got a problem during connection to the linked database in the SVN.
The DB was added to the SVN several days ago. During this period we work with the database and had no problem (synchronization, commit, rollback and etc.) but today I have got the problem.

And one more - others DBs, also stored in the SVN - work fine.

Could you help in this question?

Version information
SQL SourceControl
SVN Subversion 1.6.12

The error description:

Failed to resolve the queue name for service [DocumentProcessTargetService].

RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.SqlCompareException: Failed to resolve the queue name for service [DocumentProcessTargetService]. ---> RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.SqlCompareException: Failed to resolve the queue name for service [DocumentProcessTargetService].
at RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Service.#mhh(Database database)
at #Eyg.#Gyg.#vl()
at RedGate.SQLCompare.Engine.Database.Register(String path, ScriptDatabaseInformation dbinfo, Options options)
at #G3c.#L3c.#t.#u3.#i4c()
at #oEc.#7Jf.#hKf(ICancellableOperationStatus status, ICancellable database, Action action)
at #oEc.#7Jf.#t.#B3.#sKf()
at #oEc.#7Jf.#gKf(Action action)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

Server stack trace:
at #oEc.#7Jf.#gKf(Action action)
at #oEc.#7Jf.#jKf(ICancellableOperationStatus status, ICancellable database, Action action)
at #G3c.#L3c.#e4c(String path, #M3c args)
at #G3c.#K3c.#83c(String path, TArg argument)
at #G3c.#L3c.#f6c(String path, ScriptDatabaseInformation folderOptions, Options options, ICancellableOperationStatus status)
at #oEc.#i7c.#f6c(String folderPath, ICancellableOperationStatus status)
at #oEc.#i7c.#f6c(IPersistentWorkspace workspace, ICancellableOperationStatus status)
at #oEc.#i7c.#t.#9Jf.#t.#2Db.#TSi()
at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.Cancellables.CancellableOperation.#t.#D3.#Y1h()
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle md, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.AsyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, IMessageSink replySink)

Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.EndInvokeHelper(Message reqMsg, Boolean bProxyCase)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RemotingProxy.Invoke(Object NotUsed, MessageData& msgData)
at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.Action.EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result)
at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.Cancellables.CancellableOperation.#zIc(ICancellableOperationStatus status, Pair`2[] labelledActions)
at #oEc.#i7c.#t.#9Jf.#SSi()
at #oEc.#7Jf.#t.#9Jf.#uKf()
at #oEc.#7Jf.#hKf(ICancellableOperationStatus status, ICancellable database, Action action)
at #oEc.#7Jf.#lKf[T](ICancellableOperationStatus status, ICancellable database, Func`1 function)
at #oEc.#i7c.#QSi[TDiffType](ICancellableOperationStatus status, IReadOnlySourceControlServerCallBacks sourceControlUserCallBacks)
at #oEc.#i7c.#t.#z2.#hOi()
at #oEc.#i7c.#bOi[TDiffType](ICancellableOperationStatus status, Func`1 innerBuild)
at #oEc.#i7c.#q1f(ICancellableOperationStatus status, IReadOnlySourceControlServerCallBacks sourceControlUserCallBacks)
at #oEc.#4Ec.#z7c(ICancellableOperationStatus status, IReadOnlySourceControlServerCallBacks sourceControlUserCallBacks)
at #oEc.#4Ec.#7Jc(ICancellableOperationStatus status, IReadOnlySourceControlServerCallBacks sourceControlUserCallBacks)
at #oEc.#4Ec.#t.#u3.#ofA(ICancellableOperationStatus status)
at #eEc.#iEc.#t.#D3.#i5f()
at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.Cancellables.CancellableOperationBase.InvokeWithTracker(Action action)
at #eEc.#iEc.Invoke()
at #JLc.#Qlg.Invoke()
at #JLc.#PLc.#t.#Jfb.#EJf()
at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.SmartAssembly.ExceptionReporting.ErrorReporterBase.Do(Action toDo, Predicate`1 shouldReportPredicate, Boolean rethrow)
at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.Engine.SmartAssembly.ExceptionReporting.ErrorReporterBase.DoWithObviousExceptionsRethrowAll(Action action)
at RedGate.SQLSourceControl.CommonUI.Forms.ErrorDialog.DoWithObviousExceptionsRethrowAll(Action action)
at #JLc.#PLc.#CTc(ICancellableOperation`1 operation, Object token)


1 comment

  • peter.peart
    Hi there,

    Thanks for your post. This is logged in our systems as a bug under reference SOC-1392, however essentially the problem that you are having here is related to service broker objects.

    What appears to have happened is that there is a queue and a service (DocumentProcessTargetService) that have a dependency on one another and the queue is missing.

    This could happen for a couple of reasons, most commonly due to a commit occuring that didn't take into account all relevant dependencies. To workaround this, you will need to work out the queue where there is a dependency and manually re-commit that to SVN and then SQL Source Control should then be able to view this connection again.

    The problem, in a nutshell, is that the DB in SVN has got into an inconsistent state, and since SQL Source Control treats the scripts folder in SVN as if it were an actual DB, when there is a dependency problem like this you get an error. We are however working on making the tool a bit more lenient in situations like this.



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