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SQL Source Control can't parse my script, SqlServer 2008 do

I'm having almost the same error as this post:

But my problem is with the method CONTAINS using the LANGUAGE keyword.

Here's a part of my query:

SELECT @CountRetailer = COUNT(*)
FROM RetailerSearchView ret
WHERE ret.IsActive = 1
@RetailerCategoryId = 0 OR
ret.PrimaryCategoryId = @RetailerCategoryId OR
ret.SecondaryCategory1Id = @RetailerCategoryId OR
ret.SecondaryCategory2Id = @RetailerCategoryId
AND CONTAINS(*, @SearchCondition, LANGUAGE @Language)

and your parser seems to dislike the LANGUAGE @Language part of the CONTAINS method.


1 comment

  • James B
    Thanks for your post.

    Which version are you using? I've tried replicating the issue here on a similar script and it seems to work; however I'm using a version 2 EAP.
    James B

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