Bearing in mind Reflector is becoming chargeable, can I install & activate a copy of reflector I buy more then once. For example I need to develop using VMWare or Virtual PC images owing to different versions of software I work with - the product I develop for can only have a single installation on a single machine - so I have no choice but to use images. However I would need to use Reflector in various images - will Reflector allow this to do this under the licence? I need the question answering for both the 'basic' Reflector and the Pro version - If I have to buy one, I gues the Pro one might be the way to go though



  • Greg.Tillman
    Hi Ian, Reflector will be licensed per user not per machine but there is a limit on the number of activations. In the case of Reflector Pro this is currently 2 activations per user but you can request more by filling in a form inside the tool. You can also deactivate and reactivate machines using our deactivation tool. We plan for the standard version of Reflector to work in the same way.

    More information can be found here: ... 0Reflector
  • IanMakinson
    Thankyou for your reply - though have just seen the post ... hp?t=12762 about giving away some licences - I've just posted against the blog it references, how do I receive the liocence?
  • AndreyS
    Hello. Can I use one of the previous free-of-charge versions? How comes...?
  • Greg.Tillman

    Thanks for posting on Jay Grieves blog. Jay will be choosing who to give the free licenses to at the end of this week and will give you further instructions on how to get your free license if you are chosen. We really appreciate what Jay has done and we are currently looking for others that might like to do the same in various other corners of the world.


    Thanks for your question Andrey. You can download a copy of .NET Reflector that will remain free until the 30th of May. You need to make sure you download that version before the release of Version 7 in early March. For more information please see the links in the following post: ... hp?t=12698

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