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any comments here?
OK, I'll show the code below (not compilable) and how I fixed it (after):
struct09c structc5 = structcArray[0];
case 13:
return (structc5 = op_Increment(structc5));
case 14:
return (structc5 = op_Decrement(structc5));
case 13:
return ++structc5;
case 14:
return --structc5;
struct09c is rather complex, but is has the operators:
public static struct09c operator ++(struct09c p0)
return (p0 + f0002c5);
public static struct09c operator --(struct09c p0)
return (p0 - f0002c5);
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case 14:
return (structc5 = op_Decrement(structc5));
would be much better to decode as
case 14:
return ++structc5;
where structc5 is a local var on stack