This is a frequently requested feature and will hopefully be included in a later release. The issue being being tracked with reference SRP-331.
Thanks, -
Thanks Robin
Do you have a public issue tracker where we can track progress on issues using the issue number? -
Sadly no, it's internal, but the codes are useful if you're in dialogue with support since they can look them up without escalating the query.
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Can you please add the ability to the Analysis functionality to allow the end-user to choose additional performance counters that SQL Monitor should monitor. The set of database and general machine performance counters are fine, but I want to include additional counters to further drill down into what is happening on the server. This includes ASP.NET performance counters, .NET GC counters etc. I know these aren't strictly DB related, but having these counters will greatly enhance the power of the analysis function to pinpoint issues on the server where the same server acts as both the application and database server.