Hi Bhaskar
The problem you are experiencing is related to the fact that you are trying to backup an instance without specifying the instance name in the command.
You need to add the -I instance_name to the command that you using after the authentication option -E (or -P -U).
master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [db_name] TO DISK = ''D:\MSSQL$INSTANCE2\BACKUP\FULL_INSTANCE2_msdb_.sqb'' WITH NAME = ''Database (msdb)'', DESCRIPTION = ''Backup Database: msdb Instance: INSTANCE2'', COMPRESSION = 1" -E -I INSTANCE2'
Dan -
No mate it did not work !
Gives the following error -
Output from SQL Backup (3.2.0)
SQL Backup 3.2.0, (c) Red Gate Software Ltd 2004 - 2005
Backing up master (full database) to G:\Backup\\master_db_(full)_200509211737.sqb ...
VDI error 1000: Failed to create virtual device. Check that the SQL Server instance you are trying to connect to is running. E -
Dan ,
I have mailed you the log files . Am still struggling to get it up and running.
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We have configured a job for taking backups of all the databases in one server. when we run the job the error message that we get is "VDI error 1000: Failed to create virtual device. Check that the SQL Server instance you are trying to connect to is running. E"
The path for the sqlbackup DLL file is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$PRIMUS_PRIMARY\Binn
Any suggestions ?