The KEEP_CDC option will be available in the next release of SQL Backup.
If you are open to using patched versions of SQL Backup, we can prepare a patched 6.4 version for you that supports the KEEP_CDC option.
Thanks. -
Thank you for your reply. Yes a patch would be great.
Many thanks.
Graham Goodwin -
Try patch 1023, downloadable using the following URL: ...
That archive contains the SQL Backup Agent executable file (SQBCoreService.exe). To replace the existing service executable file, do the following:
- ensure that no SQL Backup processes are running
- stop the SQL Backup Agent service, or disable the cluster resource if on a cluster
- rename the existing executable file (SQBCoreService.exe) in the SQL Backup installation folder
- extract and place the patched executable file into the same folder
- restart the SQL Backup Agent service/cluster resource
Thanks. -
There was a bug in the patch that was released yesterday. Anyone who's downloaded it, please download a newer version (using the same URL), as the previous version prevented restores of large databases.
Apologies to those affected.
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Many thanks
Graham Goodwin