Is there a way to configure the email text? It appears that for SQL alerts the host name is not included by default. Therefore all emails show as coming from SQLServer (local) regardless of the host.



  • Chris Spencer
    This is being fixed for the next point release of SQL Monitor (release date unknown at present). We will use the host name for any (local) instances.

    Thanks for the feedback
    Chris Spencer
  • dhechle
    I don't know if its possible but it would be nice if the email alerts could be abit more informative as well.

    i.e. if a SQL job fails to execute there is nothing to tell me the name of the job that failed either. I know there is a link to further information but not much good if you want a quick glance on blackberry.

  • Chris Spencer
    We're planning some improvements to the email format but adding the job name in the case of a Job Failed alert is technically more difficult than it really should be.

    However, we do take note of all user feedback and will prioritise product enhancements accordingly.

    Thanks for the feedback
    Chris Spencer
  • samalex
    Hi Chris,

    If I could make one huge suggestion in regards to emails... We don't want to broadcast any internal server information to the Internet via email, but it would be nice to have a customized email notification that could be sent to my cell phone when certain alerts come through or possibly HIGH alerts that just says somethings up and check the server with no specific information. Even if there's some way to script the entier body and subject of the email or at the very least give the option to spawn an application or something other than an email on alert so a home brew app could run and do other tasks when something's amiss.

    Just a suggestion.
  • Chris Spencer
    Suggestion noted. Support for cell phones and other mobile devices is something we're taking very seriously and any ideas posted on these forums will be considered for future versions.

    Thanks again
    Chris Spencer

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