It's timeout when master..sqlbackup execute more than 40 sec in vbs.
I use "provider=sqloledb" to do backup/restore.
It's a bug about extented stored procedure ?
It seems okay when execute in command line, but I need to remote backup. Do you have any idea for that ? Thanks a lot. -
Hello Mago,
I'm sure that it's not an extended stored procedure bug. You can verify this by running the query in Query Analyzer and checking the result.
What technology are you using in your VBScript? You could conceivably use SQLDMO object library's ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages() or you could be using ADODB object library. -
It's not a bug, but really very strange.
I use "ADODB" object. I already enlarged connection and command time out. It's useless. Even, I modify default value of remote query timeout in sql server. It still don't work.
If backup procedure executes over 40 secs, it's always return error message and quit vbs.
Could you please try to review this problem ?
Thanks a lot. -
I don't suppose you'd be willing to post the script, or an excerpt of the script?
Assuming the timeout is initiated by vbs itself, would this be applicable to your situation?
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I use "master..sqlbackup" to do sql backup. When I run it in TSQL, it works well. But when I do it in vbs, it always show "Timeout".
Could you please tell me the tip to avoid that ? I have already set the command time out = 0 in my vbs. But it still appears "time out" error.
Thanks a lot.