
I'm using the free version of Reflector and I'm trying to disassemble a exe and then export it and modify it as a normal project. However, I have access to the code we wrote, but I can't see the .design.cs files and, therefore, I can't see the forms in design mode.

Is this something possible ? Does the pro version permit that ?

Thank you very much!



  • Clive Tong
    If you're working with a C# project, the InitializeComponent method is generated into the Form1.cs file instead of a Form1.Designer.cs file.

    For a simple windows forms application that I just tried, I had to manually edit the code of InitializeComponent, changing base.* calls into this.* calls, and changing initializations like
    base.AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(6F, 13F);
    this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
    to get the designer to display the form.

    This behaviour is exactly the same in the pro version of Reflector. The pro version simply adds a means of generating pdb files to accompany the regenerated code.
    Clive Tong
  • bigblack
    Thank you for you quick answer. However, I can't find anywhere (even with your suggested modification) how to see the form designer. Normally you double click on the .design.cs file or you click on the little Design icon in the solution explorer, but I can't see any of those options.

    Maybe I should add a second part to my question. When I disassemble and export an EXE, can I use the project and edit it just as any project I would normally create?

    Thank you again!
  • Clive Tong
    I was using Visual Studio 2008. In that case, I brought up the designer by double clicking Form1.cs in the solution explorer. View designer was also available on the context menu.
    Clive Tong

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