SQL Backup stores details of its backup and restore processes in a SQL Server Compact database, whose default location is '<system drive>Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Data\<instance name>'.
The tables you might want to use are:
- backuphistory
Will provide you details on the database backed up, and total backup size
- backupfiles
Provides file size for each individual file, useful if you split your backup files across different drives.
You can use the 'sqbdata' extended stored procedure to access data in the SQL Compact database e.g.EXEC master..sqbdata 'SELECT * FROM backuphistory WHERE dbname = ''AdventureWorks'' AND backup_type = ''D'' '
If you need to link to the standard SQL Server backup history tables, use the backup_set_uuid value in backup history to the msdb..backupset table. -
This is what I use for Backup summary
Even better if you run this across the Central Management Servers (CMS) to grab a summary of ALL the servers in CMSEXEC master..sqbdata ' SELECT dbname ,backup_start, backup_end ,backup_type ,duration AS [seconds] ,BH.size/1000 AS [Size_KB] ,BH.compressed_size/1000 AS [CompressedSize_KB] ,speed,encryption ,compression_ratio ,compression_level , AS filename --,logfilename --,convert(nvarchar(19),backup_start,100) as Backup_Start ,DATEPART(hh,backup_start) AS [hour] FROM backuphistory BH INNER JOIN backupfiles BF ON = BF.backup_id WHERE 1=1 AND DATEDIFF(d,backup_start, getdate()) = 1 -- less than X days old AND backup_type = ''L'' AND dbname = ''XXXX'' ORDER BY DESC '
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I am using red-gate on my n number of servers, i want to know the compress backup size of my database using some command in SQL Query analyser. I need to use it in few of my SQL jobs to monitor disk space on my server. Can you help me in that?