I'm new to this so this may be a silly question.
I have just done a test disassembly on an exe file but it won't recompile as the generated code cobtains:
private string <Body>k__BackingField;
private string <InputString>k__BackingField;
private string <Name>k__BackingField;

Why has it genertaed these statements - <Body> etc.?


1 comment

  • Clive Tong
    You are looking at C# 3.5 code with some property definitions of the form:
     int Foo &#123; get; set; &#125; 

    If you decompile with the settings as 2.0, you see the compiler generated code.
    private int &lt;Foo&gt;k__BackingField;
    private int Foo &#123; &#91;CompilerGenerated&#93; get; &#91;CompilerGenerated&#93; set; &#125;

    If you decompile at 3.5 then the compiler generated items are hidden, giving just the code
    private int Foo &#123; get; set; &#125;

    You can change the optimization level in View/Options/Optimization.
    Clive Tong

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