I think this is probably because you are looking at a "reference assembly" instead of the real framework assembly. Reference Assemblies, stored in C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies, contain the metadata, but don't contain any of the IL instructions.
When I look at the true assembly, your method contains the code "return null", but when I look at the reference assembly, I see no code as you do. -
Ok, seems like I was not disassembling the good one.
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not sure if it is a bug or a new feature of the .Net 4.0 framework but the disassembled code for the DataTemplateSelector.DataTemplate() method does not contain any return statement, making the code invalid.
.Net framework version : 4.0.30319
Assembly : PresentationFramework.dll
Class : System.Windows.Controls.DataTemplateSelector
Method : SelectTemplate
.Net reflector version :
Thanks in advance for your feedback.