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You may also find this VBScript useful. It will recover an entire SQL Server using SQL Backup, including all instances, provided all database backup files are available. Note well, it probably won't copy with split file or filegroup backup strategies!
'recoversql.vbs 'given a sql server and its' backups, restore the server and all dbs. ' Assumes you are restoring the same server (same disk config, etc) 'This script requires SQL Backup command-line utility from Red Gate Software ' ------------------ GLOBALS ------------------------- Dim obShell Set obShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim obFSO Set obFSO=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim sqlBackupC Dim strPassword 'Recordset containing current file list Dim obFilesRS Set obFilesRS=WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") obFilesRS.Fields.Append "name", 200, 255 obFilesRS.Fields.Append "date", 7 obFilesRS.Open sqlBackupC="c:\program files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\SQLBACKUPC.exe" 'Get list of instances of SQL Server -- HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\InstalledInstances 'It's a space delimited list, MSSQLSERVER is the default Dim strInstance, aInstances, iResult aInstances=obShell.RegRead("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\InstalledInstances") ' --- Do for each instance -- For Each strInstance IN aInstances WScript.Echo("Recovering " &strInstance) 'If SQL Server running, stop it StopSqlServer strInstance 'Start SQL Server (single-user) StartSqlServer strInstance, True 'If it did not start, rebuildm IF strInstance="MSSQLSERVER" Then iResult=obShell.Run("NET START MSSQLSERVER", 1, True) ELSE: iResult=obShell.Run("NET START MSSQL$"&strInstance, 1, True) End If If iResult=2 Then RebuildMaster strInstance 'restore system databases RestoreSystemDatabases strInstance 'read database list from master, restore each database (exc. tempdb) RestoreAllDatabases strInstance 'Start SQL Server (multi-user) StartSqlServer strInstance, False NEXT ' --- End do for each instance --- '-- Functions -- '-----------------------------------RestoreAllDatabases---------------------------------- 'Restore all databases but master Function RestoreAllDatabases(InstanceName) Dim stdin, strBackupType, obDatabasesRS, obMasterConnection, strRestoreCommand, DatabaseName, iResultCode Dim ServerName Dim strFile iCounter=0 'Count the number of records read until the full backup. strPassword="P@ssw0rd" Set stdin=WScript.StdIn If InstanceName="MSSQLSERVER" Then ServerName="." ELSE ServerName=".\" &InstanceName End If WScript.Echo 'Get the list of databases Set obMasterConnection=WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") obMasterConnection.Open="Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source="&ServerName&";Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=SSPI" Set obDatabasesRS=WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set obDatabasesRS.ActiveConnection=obMasterConnection obDatabasesRS.Open "Select [name] FROM sysdatabases WHERE [name] NOT IN ('master','tempdb', 'msdb')" obDatabasesRS.MoveFirst Do Until obDatabasesRS.EOF DatabaseName=obDatabasesRS.Fields(0) 'Populate obFilesRS GetBackupFileList ServerName, DatabaseName 'The recordset pointer should already be set to the last Full Do Until obFilesRS.BOF strFile=obFilesRS.Fields(0) strBackupType=GetBackupType(obFilesRS.Fields(0), InstanceName, DatabaseName, strPassword) strRestoreCommand="""" & sqlBackupC & """ -SQL ""RESTORE" SELECT CASE strBackupType CASE "Full" strRestoreCommand=strRestoreCommand & " DATABASE" CASE "Log" strRestoreCommand=strRestoreCommand & " LOG" CASE "Differential" strRestoreCommand=strRestoreCommand & " DATABASE" End SELECT strRestoreCommand=strRestoreCommand & " ["&DatabaseName&"] FROM DISK='"&obFilesRS.Fields(0)&"'" If strBackupType="Full" Then strRestoreCommand=strRestoreCommand &" WITH REPLACE, NORECOVERY" ELSE: strRestoreCommand=strRestoreCommand &" WITH NORECOVERY" End If If LEN(strPassword)>0 Then strRestoreCommand=strRestoreCommand & ", PASSWORD='"&strPassword&"'" strRestoreCommand=strRestoreCommand &""" -E -I """ &InstanceName&"""" iResultCode=obShell.Run(strRestoreCommand, 1 , True) WScript.Echo "Restored "&obFilesRS.Fields(0)&":"&iResultCode obFilesRS.MovePrevious Loop 'iResultCode=obShell.Run("""" &sqlBackupC& """ RESTORE DATABASE " &DatabaseName&" WITH RECOVERY", 1, True) obMasterConnection.Execute "RESTORE DATABASE ["&DatabaseName&"] WITH RECOVERY" SET obFilesRS=Nothing Set obFilesRS=WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") obFilesRS.Fields.Append "name", 200, 255 obFilesRS.Fields.Append "date", 7 obFilesRS.Open obDatabasesRS.MoveNext Loop 'databases obDatabasesRS.Close obMasterConnection.Close Set obDatabasesRS=Nothing Set obMasterConnection=Nothing End Function 'End Restore database ' ------------------------------------RebuildMaster------------------------------------------ ' Run rebuildm.exe Function RebuildMaster(InstanceName) StopSqlServer InstanceName 'run rebuildm from install location Dim stdin, cdLocation, reMPath Set stdin=WScript.StdIn WScript.Echo "Rebuilding system databases" WScript.Echo "---------------------------" WScript.Echo "You will need the SQL Server Installation CD" WScript.Echo "The Rebuild will ask for the location of the master MDF and LDF files." reMPath=obShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%PROGRAMFILES%") &"Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\REBUILDM.exe" If NOT obFSO.FileExists(reMPath) Then WScript.Echo "Could not find " &reMPath &". Please enter full path to rebuildm.exe" WScript.Echo "Example: c:\microsoft sql server\80\Tools\BINN\REBUILDM.exe" reMPath=stdin.ReadLine End If obShell.Run reMPath, 0, True 'attempt server restart. On failure, exit script. StartSqlServer InstanceName, True END Function 'End Rebuildm utility '-------------------------------- RestoreSystemDatabases -------------------------------- ' Ask for location of last good master, model, and msdb SQL Backups ' Restore these and restart the server in multi-user mode Function RestoreSystemDatabases(InstanceName) Dim stdin, stdout Dim masterFile, modelFile, msdbFile Set stdin=WScript.StdIn Set stdout=WScript.StdOut 'Prompt user for location of master full backup stdout.WriteLine "Please enter the full path to the latest master database backup for "&InstanceName& ":" masterFile = stdin.ReadLine 'Prompt user for location of model full backup stdout.WriteLine "Please enter the full path to the latest model database backup for "&InstanceName& ":" modelFile = stdin.ReadLine 'Prompt user for location of msdb full backup stdout.WriteLine "Please enter the full path to the latest msdb database backup for "&InstanceName& ":" msdbFile = stdin.ReadLine 'Attempt restore of master (exit script on fail) RestoreSystemDatabase "master", InstanceName, masterFile, True 'Start the SQL Server; restoring MASTER will stop the server. StartSqlServer InstanceName, False 'Attempt restore of msdb (exit script on fail) RestoreSystemDatabase "msdb", InstanceName, msdbFile, True 'Attempt restore of model (allow fail?) RestoreSystemDatabase "model", InstanceName, modelFile, Flase END FUNCTION '------------------------------------ End restoresystemdatabases----------------------------- '-------------------------------------RestoreSystemDatabase------------------------------- 'Support function for RestoreSystemDatabases Function RestoreSystemDatabase(DatabaseName, InstanceName, BackupFileName, ExitOnFail) Dim retCode, stdin Set stdin=WScript.StdIn 'Check that we can access SQLBackupc.exe sqlBackupC=obShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%PROGRAMFILES%") & "\Red Gate\SQL Backup\SQLBackupC.exe" If Not obFSO.FileExists(sqlBackupC) Then stdout.WriteLine "Enter the full path to SQLBackupC.exe" sqlBackupC=stdin.ReadLine End If retCode=obShell.Run("""" &sqlBackupC & """ -SQL ""RESTORE DATABASE [" & DatabaseName & "] FROM DISK='"&BackupFileName&"' WITH REPLACE"" -E -I """ &InstanceName& """", 1, True) If retCode=710 Then 'prompt for password 'Try saved password retCode=obShell.Run("""" & sqlBackupC & """ -SQL ""RESTORE DATABASE [" & DatabaseName & "] FROM DISK='"&BackupFileName&"' WITH REPLACE, PASSWORD='"&strPassword&"'"" -E -I """ &InstanceName& """", 1, True) If retCode=710 Then WScript.Echo "Please enter encryption password for " &DatabaseName strPassword=stdin.ReadLine retCode=obShell.Run("""" & sqlBackupC & """ -SQL ""RESTORE DATABASE [" & DatabaseName & "] FROM DISK='"&BackupFileName&"' WITH REPLACE, PASSWORD='"&strPassword&"'"" -E -I """ &InstanceName& """", 1, True) End If End If 'If retCode > 1 AND ExitOnFail=True Then ' WScript.Echo "A critical restore failed (Command returned "&retCode&")." ' WScript.Quit(1) ' End If End Function '----------------------------- StartSqlServer -------------------------------- ' Modify the registry to start sql server in single-user if needed. ' Net Start the SQL Server Service Function StartSqlServer(InstanceName, SingleUser) Dim SQLArgValue, iCount, retVal, runningSingle iCount=0 runningSingle=False If SingleUser=True Then ON ERROR RESUME NEXT While Not SQLArgValue Is Nothing Set SQLArgValue=Nothing SQLArgValue=obShell.RegRead("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSSQLSERVER\"&InstanceName&"\Parameters\SQLArg"&iCount) If Not SQLArgValue Is Nothing Then If SQLArgValue="-m" Then runningSingle=True Break End If End If iCount=iCount+1 WEND ON ERROR GOTO 0 If runningSingle=False Then 'WScript.Echo "Writing registry -m" obShell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSSQLSERVER\"&InstanceName&"\Parameters\SQLArg"&iCount-1, "-m", "REG_SZ" End If End If If SingleUser=False Then ON ERROR RESUME NEXT While Not SQLArgValue Is Nothing Set SQLArgValue=Nothing SQLArgValue=obShell.RegRead("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSSQLSERVER\"&InstanceName&"\Parameters\SQLArg"&iCount) If Not SQLArgValue Is Nothing Then If SQLArgValue="-m" Then obShell.RegDelete("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSSQLSERVER\"&InstanceName&"\Parameters\SQLArg"&iCount) Break End If End If iCount=iCount+1 WEND ON ERROR GOTO 0 End If IF InstanceName="MSSQLSERVER" Then retVal=obShell.Run("NET START MSSQLSERVER", 1, True) ELSE: retVal=obShell.Run("NET START MSSQL$"&InstanceName, 1, True) End If If retVal > 2 Then WSCript.Echo("Could not start SQL Server """&InstanceName&""". Command Returned "&retVal) WScript.Quit(1) End If End Function 'End modify startup parameters ' ---------------------- GetBackupFileList ------------------------- ' Work out the backup folder location ' Then get an enum of files ' Then examine each file and return a recordset of backup files ' starting at the last backup and proceeding to the last full backup Function GetBackupFileList(ServerName, DatabaseName) Dim HistoryQuery, FileName, FolderName, stdin, iResult, strBackupType Set stdin=WScript.StdIn 'HistoryQuery returns 'CheckBox | physical_device_name | type | Backup Date | Backup Name | Backed Up Size | Files | media_set_id 'Where type: D=FULL, I=Full Differential, L=Log, F=File(group), G=file, diff P=partial, Q=Partial Diff HistoryQuery="SELECT DISTINCT '0' CHECKBOX, b.physical_device_name, a.type, a.backup_start_date [Backup Date], " &vbCrLf &_ " [Backup Name]," &vbCrLf &_ " (SELECT (SUM(backed_up_page_count) * 8192 / 1048576) FROM msdb..backupfile WHERE backup_set_id = a.backup_set_id) [Backed Up Size]," &vbCrLf &_ " (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msdb..backupmediafamily WHERE media_set_id = a.media_set_id) [Files]," &vbCrLf &_ " a.media_set_id" &vbCrLf &_ "FROM msdb..backupset a" &vbCrLf &_ "INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily b ON a.media_set_id = b.media_set_id" &vbCrLf &_ "WHERE a.type IN ('D','L','I')" &vbCrLf &_ " AND a.database_name = '" & DatabaseName &"'" &vbCrLf &_ " AND DATEDIFF(dd, a.backup_start_date, GETDATE()) <= 7" &vbCrLf &_ " AND b.device_type = 7" &vbCrLf &_ " AND a.media_set_id NOT IN " &vbCrLf &_ " (" &vbCrLf &_ " SELECT y.media_set_id" &vbCrLf &_ " FROM msdb..backupmediafamily x" &vbCrLf &_ " INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily y ON x.physical_device_name = y.physical_device_name" &vbCrLf &_ " WHERE x.media_set_id > y.media_set_id" &vbCrLf &_ " )" &vbCrLf &_ "ORDER BY backup_start_date desc" Dim obHistoryConnection 'Connection to MSDB Dim obHistoryRS, obFolder 'Recordset with a database's backup history Set obHistoryConnection=WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set obHistoryRS=WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") obHistoryConnection.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=" & ServerName & ";Initial Catalog=msdb;Integrated Security=SSPI" obHistoryRS.Open HistoryQuery, obHistoryConnection ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Set FileName=Nothing Set FolderName=Nothing Set obFolder=Nothing obHistoryRS.MoveFirst FileName=obHistoryRS.Fields(1) 'Lock on the file's parent directory FolderName=LEFT(FileName, InStrRev(FileName, "\", -1, 1)) Set obFolder=obFSO.GetFolder(FolderName) ON ERROR GOTO 0 obHistoryRS.Close obHistoryConnection.Close Set obHistoryRS=Nothing Set obHistoryConnection=Nothing If obFolder Is Nothing Then WScript.Echo "Cannot determine backup folder for " &DatabaseName&". Please enter path:" FolderName=stdin.ReadLine ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Set obFolder=GetFolder(FolderName) ON ERROR GOTO 0 End If Dim obFile 'Create a recordset of files that we can leverage ADO to sort If obFolder Is Nothing Then WScript.Echo "Invalid folder. No backup files available." Exit Function End If For Each obFile in obFolder.Files obFilesRS.AddNew obFilesRS("name")=obFile.Path obFilesRS("date")=obFile.DateCreated Next obFilesRS.Sort="date DESC" obFilesRS.MoveFirst 'Set the pointer to the first full backup. WScript.Echo "Generating backup file list for "&DatabaseName iResult=obShell.Run("""" &sqlBackupC&""" -SQL ""RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK='"&obFilesRS.Fields(0)&"'""",1,True) If iResult=710 Then 'Try again with curretn password iResult=obShell.Run("""" &sqlBackupC&""" -SQL ""RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK='"&obFilesRS.Fields(0)&"' WITH PASSWORD='"&strPassword&"'""",1,True) If iResult=710 Then WScript.Echo "Enter backup password for database " &DatabaseName& ":" strPassword=stdin.ReadLine End If End If Do Until obFilesRS.EOF strBackupType=GetBackupType(obFilesRS.Fields(0), ServerName, DatabaseName, strPassword) WScript.Echo obFilesRS.Fields(0) &" : "&strBackupType If strBackupType="Full" Then Exit Do 'If the backup is not for this database, remove it from the files list. If strBackupType="Invalid" Then obFilesRS.Delete obFilesRS.MoveNext Loop Set obFolder=Nothing 'GetBackupFileList=obFilesRS 'end read backup history END FUNCTION '----------------------------- End GetBackupFileList ----------------------------- '----------------------------- StopSQLServer --------------------------- 'Run NET STOP for an instance of SQL Server. Function StopSQLServer(InstanceName) IF InstanceName="MSSQLSERVER" Then obShell.Run "NET STOP MSSQLSERVER", 1, True ELSE: obShell.Run "NET STOP MSSQL$"&InstanceName, 1, True End If End Function '-----------------------------End StopSqlServer -------------------------------------- ' ------------- GetBackupType ----------------------- ' Read a SQB file header and retrun full, differential, or log. If the header is missing, return unknown. ' Also check the database name and return invalid if the file is not one for the specified database Function GetBackupType(FileName, InstanceName, DatabaseName, Password) Dim strCommand, obExec, strLine, itype, strDBName iType=0 strCommand="""" & sqlBackupC &""" -SQL ""RESTORE SQBHEADERONLY FROM DISK='" &FileName&"'" If LEN(Password)>0 Then strCommand=strCommand &" WITH PASSWORD='"&Password&"'" strCommand=strCommand & """ -E -I """ &InstanceName&"""" 'Run this command and read the output. For this we need a handle on StdOut Set obExec=obShell.Exec(strCommand) Do While obExec.Status = 0 WScript.Sleep 100 Loop Do Until obExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream strLine=obExec.StdOut.ReadLine If LEFT(strLine, 11)="Backup type" Then iType=CINT(MID(strLine, InStr(1, strLine, ":", 1)+2, 1)) If LEFT(strLine, 13)="Database name" Then strDBName=MID(strLine, InStr(1, strLine, ":", 1)+2) Loop If NOT strDBName=DatabaseName Then GetBackupType="Invalid" SELECT CASE iType CASE 0 GetBackupType="Unknown" CASE 1 GetBackupType="Full" CASE 5 GetBackupType="Differential" CASE 2 GetBackupType="Log" END SELECT End Function ' ----------------------- End GetBackupType --------------------------
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SQL Backup requires two connections in order to restore a database via the console interface. This has some noteworthy implications when a server disaster occurs and the SQL Server's MASTER database needs to be recovered from backup.
This is because in order to restore MASTER, the server needs to be started in single-user mode by specifying the -m option in the server's startup parameters. This will cause SQL Server to only allow one connection and therefore SQL Backup cannot be used to restore the master database. Once the master database is restored, however, the server can be restarted in multi-user mode and additional databases can be restored through SQL Backup.
To work around this limitation, there are three options:
You may use the command-line utility, SQLBackupc.exe, to restore the master database. To do this, open a command prompt and run SQLBackupc -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [master] FROM DISK='c:\backups\master.sqb' [WITH PASSWORD='password']" -I <instance> -U <username> -P <password> -E (if using Winows Authentication)
Also, you may use the SQB2MTF.exe utility included with SQL Backup to convert the SQL Backup file to a native Microsoft Tape Format (MTF) file, then use SQL Server Enterprise Manager to restore the master database from this file.
This is the usage for the sqb2mtf command:
Finally, you can simply use a normal file backup package to back up the system databases as normal files. NTBackup, the built-in utility that comes with Windows 2003, can backup open SQL Server database files. When the server is restored, the system databases will already be in place so it is not necessary to restart the server in single-user mode with the -m switch.