It was a Project create with VS.08 and VB.NET. I could it decompiled but here the Code it look really strange, eventhoug the code was in a class not in a module
.namespace ExcelHandling
  .class public auto ansi ClsExcel
    extends ExcelHandling.ClsComm
    .method public specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed
      .maxstack 8
      L_0000: ldarg.0 
      L_0001: call instance void ClsExcel.ClsComm::.ctor()
      L_0006: nop 
      L_0007: nop 
      L_0008: ret 
    .method private instance bool OpenExcel(object& xlAnw) cil managed
      .maxstack 7
      .locals init (
        [0] bool flag,
        [1] int32 num,
        [2] class [mscorlib]System.Exception exception,
        [3] int32 num2,
        [4] int32 num3,
        [5] object[] objArray)

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