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Excluding Indexes from Changes

We often "tune" a client site by fixing their indexes specific to their site. When deploying new code through SQL Compare, though, we end up losing the index changes when ever we have a table that changes. We can "ignore index changes" in the comparison, but there isn't a way to exclude the index change itself when updating a table. This would be extremely helpful and avoid a lot of performance issues when doing deployments.



  • warthenr
    While we are at it, would be nice to be able to ONLY compare indexes.
  • peter.peart
    Hi there,

    Thanks for your post. At the present time, this isn't possible although you aren't by any stretch of the imagination the first person to ask for this. We currently have a featyre request in place under tracking number SC-2447, and this is being reviewed for version 9 due out later this year.

    As far as I am aware, we are really hoping to implement this in version 9 under the umbrella of providing more granular control over objects, including:

    - Ignoring indexes entirely
    - Comparing only indexes
    - Comparing only triggers
    - Excluding columns
    - Mapping tables

    As I am sure you can imagine, this isn't exactly a small change to the tool and therefore some functionality may not make it in, but most requests revolve around indexes so fingers crossed that will.


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