The code that Reflector generates isn't always going to work without setting up various references on the project.
In the case of Reflector Pro, the code is more there for the purposes of showing you where you are in the control flow rather than as a means of building new versions of the target assembly. -
Hi Clive,
I understand, probably the best -
have used this tool since 4 days, but now I can not really recommend.
Maybe it works better if it has to decompiled "C-sharp"
Here is a simple Function, and Im sure the first lines, you can see, are not from me.
And, I allways find declarations like "Dim num2 As Integer" , together with "Label_00XY".
This is not the only function.
To clear that, I have to find out what was the task, and what is need to handle it. Thats the same If I would start at the first.
Sorry, but Thats itPublic Function SkalFix(ByRef dt As DataTable, ByRef a As Integer, ByRef b As Integer) As Boolean ' This item is obfuscated and can not be translated. Dim flag As Boolean Dim num3 As Integer Try Dim num4 As Integer Label_0001: ProjectData.ClearProjectError() Dim num2 As Integer = 2 Label_0009: num4 = 2 b = 1 GoTo Label_00FA Label_0014: num4 = 5
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THe Only troublething is the Code from Formdesigner.
Whenever I create a new Project, set a form and pick-up those Code , net-reflector has made, then I got mostly messages Like:"Label11 is not a member of FrmStart"
Until now is the only way: find all Control-names , set all Control in the form and then pickup the whole property code. This code mostly need to fix. (Examples: Font, Location)
Maybe I made something wrong, or maybe the Formdesigner-Code is not a task for Netreflector , this code its just only a waste product.
thanks for answer