I'm an experience delphi Win32 programmer attempting to learn .Net using Visual Studio 2008 and Codegear Prism (Oxygene).
I only found this program today (and what an amazing tool it is!) and I have read through much of the help and FAQ documentation, but I would like to know if the program is capable of taking a code snippet from the VS 2008 help system and translating it into Oxygene? If so, how would I go about doing that - if not, is there an Add-In or another program that might accomplish this?
I understand code logic, but I'm a weak C# and VB programmer. I can eventually work through the sample code, but it would be a god-send if I could simply cut and paste the sample code into a box and have it translated into a close approximation of it's Delphi Prism language equivalent.
Thanks to any that take the time to reply.
I only found this program today (and what an amazing tool it is!) and I have read through much of the help and FAQ documentation, but I would like to know if the program is capable of taking a code snippet from the VS 2008 help system and translating it into Oxygene? If so, how would I go about doing that - if not, is there an Add-In or another program that might accomplish this?
I understand code logic, but I'm a weak C# and VB programmer. I can eventually work through the sample code, but it would be a god-send if I could simply cut and paste the sample code into a box and have it translated into a close approximation of it's Delphi Prism language equivalent.
Thanks to any that take the time to reply.