Hi Johan,
Thanks. Which wizard is causing you the most grief? The comparison wizard, the synchronization wizard? What do you find annoying in particular? -
Since you're asking
Here are a couple pain points in my experience:
- A sql compare between two large databases takes about half hour. (+/- 7500 objects)
- Report to HTML is not usable on this size of database because the produced report causes more than 1,5 GB memory allocation by the browser before it collapses the system.
- Resize: Choose Tables And Views in SQL Data compare wizard
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Although I agree the wizard-approach taken in sql bundle is probably the best approach in terms of offering user-friendly guidance, and although windows standards dictate wizards are not resizable, productivity goes down if you have the daunting task of comparing several thousands of objects like me... :shock:
The wizard takes quite some time to initialize and because you cannot resize it you spend most of the time using scrollbars in a little window that uses not even 1/10th of the available screen resolution.
Can we have a resize option please please please?