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Hi, Thanks for your update. It's no problems. This bug hasn't appeared since this issue was created. So I can wait ....  [image] / comments
Hi, Thanks for your update. It's no problems. This bug hasn't appeared since this issue was created.So I can wait .... 
0 votes
Hi, Sorry for the missunderstanding. My issue is that the Suggestions stop working and only snippets are suggested. For me, this has only happened with this specific query. I had problems to attach the .sql file in my previous post. Nothing happened after I selected the file, so I paste the query below. Thanks Best Regards John SELECT  QuoSG.quotationSubGroupName,QuoL.quotationLineText, Pck.packageCode, THEad.testCode testCluster, T.testCode, ISNULL(ttr.testTranslationName,T.testName) testName, Par.parameterCode,COALESCE(ParTTr.parameterTestTranslationName,ParT.parameterTestName,ParTr.parameterTranslationName,Par.parameterName) parameterName, ParT.limitOfQuantification LOQ, dbo.eufn_e5_eLIMS_SE_FormatUnit(ParT.detectionAndQuantificationUnitNumeratorSqlId,ParT.detectionAndQuantificationUnitNumeratorIncId, ParT.detectionAndQuantificationUnitDenominatorSqlId,ParT.detectionAndQuantificationUnitDenominatorIncId,123,1) LOQUnit, STUFF((SELECT '; ' + ISNULL(ProTr.productTranslationName, Pro.productName) + ': ' + REPLACE(CAST(ParTPro.limitOfQuantification AS NVARCHAR(30)),'.',',')  + ' ' + dbo.eufn_e5_eLIMS_SE_FormatUnit(ParTPro.detectionAndQuantificationUnitNumeratorSqlId,ParTPro.detectionAndQuantificationUnitNumeratorIncId, ParTPro.detectionAndQuantificationUnitDenominatorSqlId,ParTPro.detectionAndQuantificationUnitDenominatorIncId,123,1) FROM dbo.ParametersTestsProducts AS ParTPro WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN dbo.Products AS Pro WITH (NOLOCK) ON Pro.productIncId = ParTPro.productIncId AND Pro.productSqlId = ParTPro.productSqlId AND Pro.isDeleted=0x0 LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ProductsTranslations AS ProTr WITH (NOLOCK) ON ProTr.productIncId = Pro.productIncId AND ProTr.productSqlId = Pro.productSqlId AND ProTr.isDeleted=0x0 AND ProTr.languageIncId=1 AND ProTr.languageSqlId=123 JOIN dbo.TreesOfProducts AS TOPro WITH (NOLOCK) ON TOPro.treeOfProductIncId = Pro.treeOfProductIncId AND TOPro.treeOfProductSqlId = Pro.treeOfProductSqlId WHERE ParTPro.parameterTestIncId=ParT.parameterTestIncId AND ParTPro.parameterTestSqlId=ParT.parameterTestSqlId AND ParTPro.isDeleted=0x0 AND TOPro.treeOfProductCode='F002' AND ParTPro.limitOfQuantification != ParT.limitOfQuantification ORDER BY  ISNULL(ProTr.productTranslationName, Pro.productName) FOR XML PATH ('')),1,2,'') matrisLOQ, ISNULL(StdTr.standardTranslationName, std.standardName) method, t.externalPartnerName performedBy FROM dbo.Quotations AS Quo WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN dbo.QuotationsSubGroups AS QuoSG WITH (NOLOCK) ON QuoSG.quotationIncId = Quo.quotationIncId AND QuoSG.quotationSqlId = Quo.quotationSqlId AND QuoSG.isDeleted=0x0 JOIN dbo.QuotationsSubGroupsQuotationsLines AS QuoSGQL WITH (NOLOCK) ON QuoSGQL.quotationSubGroupIncId = QuoSG.quotationSubGroupIncId AND QuoSGQL.quotationSubGroupSqlId = QuoSG.quotationSubGroupSqlId AND QuoSGQL.isDeleted=0x0 JOIN dbo.QuotationsLines AS QuoL WITH (NOLOCK) ON QuoL.quotationLineIncId = QuoSGQL.quotationLineIncId AND QuoL.quotationLineSqlId = QuoSGQL.quotationLineSqlId AND QuoL.isDeleted=0x0 LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Packages AS Pck WITH (NOLOCK) ON Pck.packageIncId = QuoL.packageIncId AND Pck.packageSqlId = QuoL.packageSqlId CROSS APPLY ( SELECT QuoL.testIncId, QuoL.testSqlId WHERE QuoL.testIncId IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT TF.testIncId, TF.testSqlId FROM dbo.PackagesTestsFractions AS PckTF WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN dbo.TestsFractions AS TF WITH (NOLOCK) ON TF.testFractionIncId = PckTF.testFractionIncId AND TF.testFractionSqlId = PckTF.testFractionSqlId AND TF.isDeleted=0x0 WHERE PckTF.packageIncId=QuoL.packageIncId AND PckTF.packageSqlId=QuoL.packageSqlId AND PckTF.isDeleted=0x0 ) Tr LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Tests AS THEad WITH (NOLOCK) ON THEad.testIncId=Tr.testIncId AND thead.testSqlId=Tr.testSqlId AND THEad.isDeleted=0x0 AND thead.isHeadOfClusterTest=1 CROSS APPLY ( SELECT TOP 1 T2.testIncId,t2.testSqlId,t2.testCode,t2.testName,t2.flags32,T2.isHeadOfClusterTest, P2.partnerCode,P2.externalName externalPartnerName, TPWD2.testPartnerWhoDoIncId,TPWD2.testPartnerWhoDoSqlId FROM dbo.Tests AS T2 WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN dbo.TestsPartnersWhoDo AS TPWD2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON TPWD2.testIncId = T2.testIncId AND TPWD2.testSqlId = T2.testSqlId AND TPWD2.isDeleted=0x0 JOIN dbo.Partners AS P2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON P2.partnerIncId = TPWD2.partnerIncId AND P2.partnerSqlId = TPWD2.partnerSqlId WHERE t2.testIncId=tr.testIncId AND t2.testSqlId=tr.testSqlId AND T2.isDeleted=0x0 AND ISNULL(t2.isHeadOfClusterTest,0)=0 ORDER BY CASE WHEN P2.partnerCode IN ('EUSELI2','EUAA88','EUSE02','EUSEOCX','EUSEUP','EUSEST') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END UNION SELECT TOP 1 T2.testIncId,t2.testSqlId,t2.testCode,t2.testName,t2.flags32,T2.isHeadOfClusterTest, P2.partnerCode,P2.externalName externalPartnerName, TPWD2.testPartnerWhoDoIncId,TPWD2.testPartnerWhoDoSqlId FROM dbo.TestsTestsClusters AS TTCl WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN dbo.Tests AS T2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON T2.testIncId = TTCl.testIncId AND T2.testSqlId = TTCl.testSqlId AND T2.isDeleted=0x0 JOIN dbo.TestsPartnersWhoDo AS TPWD2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON TPWD2.testIncId = T2.testIncId AND TPWD2.testSqlId = T2.testSqlId AND TPWD2.isDeleted=0x0 JOIN dbo.Partners AS P2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON P2.partnerIncId = TPWD2.partnerIncId AND P2.partnerSqlId = TPWD2.partnerSqlId WHERE ttcl.headOfClusterTestIncId=Tr.testIncId AND TTCl.headOfClusterTestSqlId=Tr.testSqlId AND TTCl.isDeleted=0x0 AND ISNULL(t2.isHeadOfClusterTest,0)=0 ORDER BY CASE WHEN P2.partnerCode IN ('EUSELI2','EUAA88','EUSE02','EUSEOCX','EUSEUP','EUSEST') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ) T LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.TestsTranslations AS TTr WITH (NOLOCK) ON TTr.testIncId = T.testIncId AND TTr.testSqlId = T.testSqlId AND TTr.isDeleted=0x0 AND ttr.languageIncId=1 AND TTr.languageSqlId=123 JOIN dbo.ParametersTests AS ParT WITH (NOLOCK) ON ParT.testIncId = T.testIncId AND ParT.testSqlId = T.testSqlId AND ParT.isDeleted=0x0 LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ParametersTestsTranslations AS ParTTr WITH (NOLOCK) ON ParTTr.parameterTestIncId = ParT.parameterTestIncId AND ParTTr.parameterTestSqlId = ParT.parameterTestSqlId AND ParTTr.isDeleted=0x0 AND ParTTr.languageIncId=1 AND ParTTr.languageSqlId=123 JOIN dbo.[Parameters] AS Par WITH (NOLOCK) ON Par.parameterIncId = ParT.parameterIncId AND Par.parameterSqlId = ParT.parameterSqlId AND Par.isDeleted=0x0 LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ParametersTranslations AS ParTr WITH (NOLOCK) ON ParTr.parameterIncId = Par.parameterIncId AND ParTr.parameterSqlId = Par.parameterSqlId AND ParTr.isDeleted=0x0 AND ParTr.languageIncId=1 AND ParTr.languageSqlId=123 LEFT OUTER JOIN TestsPartnersWhoDoStandards TPWDStd WITH (NOLOCK) ON TPWDStd.testPartnerWhoDoIncId=T.testPartnerWhoDoIncId AND TPWDStd.testPartnerWhoDoSqlId=T.testPartnerWhoDoSqlId AND TPWDStd.isDeleted=0 LEFT OUTER JOIN Standards Std WITH (NOLOCK) ON Std.standardIncId=TPWDStd.standardIncId AND Std.standardSqlId=TPWDStd.standardSqlId AND Std.isDeleted=0 LEFT OUTER JOIN StandardsTranslations StdTr WITH (NOLOCK) ON StdTr.standardIncId=Std.standardIncId AND StdTr.standardSqlId=Std.standardSqlId AND StdTr.isDeleted=0  AND StdTr.languageIncId=1 and StdTr.languageSqlId=123 WHERE Quo.quotationCode='DPMASC22000401' AND NOT ((t.flags32&(POWER(2,0)   --Analytical Method Prerequisite Test + POWER(2,15) --Logistic or Administrative Service Test + POWER(2,16) --Preperation Test ))>0) ORDER BY QuoSG.orderNumber,QuoL.quotationLineOrder / comments
Hi,Sorry for the missunderstanding. My issue is that the Suggestions stop working and only snippets are suggested. For me, this has only happened with this specific query.I had problems to attach t...
0 votes
Hi, I just tried, and if I start typing after line 38 it works. It seems like its the CROSS APPLY start starts at line 39 that does this. If I try after the CROSS APPLY is ended, it has stopped to work. The CROSS APPLY SQL: <div>CROSS APPLY (</div><div> SELECT TOP 1</div><div> T2.testIncId,t2.testSqlId,t2.testCode,t2.testName,t2.flags32,T2.isHeadOfClusterTest,</div><div> P2.partnerCode,P2.externalName externalPartnerName,</div><div> TPWD2.testPartnerWhoDoIncId,TPWD2.testPartnerWhoDoSqlId</div><div> FROM dbo.Tests AS T2 WITH (NOLOCK)</div><div> JOIN dbo.TestsPartnersWhoDo AS TPWD2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON TPWD2.testIncId = T2.testIncId AND TPWD2.testSqlId = T2.testSqlId AND TPWD2.isDeleted=0x0</div><div> JOIN dbo.Partners AS P2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON P2.partnerIncId = TPWD2.partnerIncId AND P2.partnerSqlId = TPWD2.partnerSqlId</div><div> WHERE t2.testIncId=tr.testIncId AND t2.testSqlId=tr.testSqlId AND T2.isDeleted=0x0</div><div> AND ISNULL(t2.isHeadOfClusterTest,0)=0</div><div> ORDER BY CASE WHEN P2.partnerCode IN ('EUSELI2','EUAA88','EUSE02','EUSEOCX','EUSEUP','EUSEST') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END</div><div><br></div><div> UNION</div><div><br></div><div> SELECT TOP 1</div><div> T2.testIncId,t2.testSqlId,t2.testCode,t2.testName,t2.flags32,T2.isHeadOfClusterTest,</div><div> P2.partnerCode,P2.externalName externalPartnerName,</div><div> TPWD2.testPartnerWhoDoIncId,TPWD2.testPartnerWhoDoSqlId</div><div> FROM dbo.TestsTestsClusters AS TTCl WITH (NOLOCK)</div><div> JOIN dbo.Tests AS T2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON T2.testIncId = TTCl.testIncId AND T2.testSqlId = TTCl.testSqlId AND T2.isDeleted=0x0</div><div> JOIN dbo.TestsPartnersWhoDo AS TPWD2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON TPWD2.testIncId = T2.testIncId AND TPWD2.testSqlId = T2.testSqlId AND TPWD2.isDeleted=0x0</div><div> JOIN dbo.Partners AS P2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON P2.partnerIncId = TPWD2.partnerIncId AND P2.partnerSqlId = TPWD2.partnerSqlId</div><div> WHERE ttcl.headOfClusterTestIncId=Tr.testIncId AND TTCl.headOfClusterTestSqlId=Tr.testSqlId AND TTCl.isDeleted=0x0</div><div> AND ISNULL(t2.isHeadOfClusterTest,0)=0</div><div> ORDER BY CASE WHEN P2.partnerCode IN ('EUSELI2','EUAA88','EUSE02','EUSEOCX','EUSEUP','EUSEST') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END </div><div>) T</div><br> / comments
Hi,I just tried, and if I start typing after line 38 it works.It seems like its the CROSS APPLY start starts at line 39 that does this.If I try after the CROSS APPLY is ended, it has stopped to wor...
0 votes
CROSS APPLY ( SELECT TOP 1 T2.testIncId,t2.testSqlId,t2.testCode,t2.testName,t2.flags32,T2.isHeadOfClusterTest, P2.partnerCode,P2.externalName externalPartnerName, TPWD2.testPartnerWhoDoIncId,TPWD2.testPartnerWhoDoSqlId FROM dbo.Tests AS T2 WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN dbo.TestsPartnersWhoDo AS TPWD2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON TPWD2.testIncId = T2.testIncId AND TPWD2.testSqlId = T2.testSqlId AND TPWD2.isDeleted=0x0 JOIN dbo.Partners AS P2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON P2.partnerIncId = TPWD2.partnerIncId AND P2.partnerSqlId = TPWD2.partnerSqlId WHERE t2.testIncId=tr.testIncId AND t2.testSqlId=tr.testSqlId AND T2.isDeleted=0x0 AND ISNULL(t2.isHeadOfClusterTest,0)=0 ORDER BY CASE WHEN P2.partnerCode IN ('EUSELI2','EUAA88','EUSE02','EUSEOCX','EUSEUP','EUSEST') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END UNION SELECT TOP 1 T2.testIncId,t2.testSqlId,t2.testCode,t2.testName,t2.flags32,T2.isHeadOfClusterTest, P2.partnerCode,P2.externalName externalPartnerName, TPWD2.testPartnerWhoDoIncId,TPWD2.testPartnerWhoDoSqlId FROM dbo.TestsTestsClusters AS TTCl WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN dbo.Tests AS T2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON T2.testIncId = TTCl.testIncId AND T2.testSqlId = TTCl.testSqlId AND T2.isDeleted=0x0 JOIN dbo.TestsPartnersWhoDo AS TPWD2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON TPWD2.testIncId = T2.testIncId AND TPWD2.testSqlId = T2.testSqlId AND TPWD2.isDeleted=0x0 JOIN dbo.Partners AS P2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON P2.partnerIncId = TPWD2.partnerIncId AND P2.partnerSqlId = TPWD2.partnerSqlId WHERE ttcl.headOfClusterTestIncId=Tr.testIncId AND TTCl.headOfClusterTestSqlId=Tr.testSqlId AND TTCl.isDeleted=0x0 AND ISNULL(t2.isHeadOfClusterTest,0)=0 ORDER BY CASE WHEN P2.partnerCode IN ('EUSELI2','EUAA88','EUSE02','EUSEOCX','EUSEUP','EUSEST') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ) T / comments
CROSS APPLY ( SELECT TOP 1 T2.testIncId,t2.testSqlId,t2.testCode,t2.testName,t2.flags32,T2.isHeadOfClusterTest, P2.partnerCode,P2.externalName externalPartnerName, TPWD2.testPartnerWhoDoIncId,TP...
0 votes
Hi, That was the first time I noticed this bug. After I started on a new SavedTabs.db, I noticed that it reopened duplicates when I restarted SSMS (but only 2 of each tab). I have now upgraded to Sql Prompt 10.10.3 and I cannot recreate that bug anymore. I also tried to start SSMS with my old crashed SavedTabs.db. It didn't work so well in the begining, SSMS crashed after a while during the tab restore. Application: Ssms.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: System.OutOfMemoryException    at System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHdcInternal(IntPtr)    at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs, Int16)    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(System.Windows.Forms.Message ByRef)    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(System.Windows.Forms.Message ByRef)    at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(System.Windows.Forms.Message ByRef)    at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(System.Windows.Forms.Message ByRef)    at System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip.WndProc(System.Windows.Forms.Message ByRef)    at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(System.Windows.Forms.Message ByRef)    at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(System.Windows.Forms.Message ByRef)    at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.DebuggableCallback(IntPtr, Int32, IntPtr, IntPtr) Faulting application name: Ssms.exe, version: 2019.150.18390.0, time stamp: 0x615720fe Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 10.0.19041.1415, time stamp: 0x2791d798 Exception code: 0xe0434352 Fault offset: 0x0012b522 Faulting process id: 0xe560 Faulting application start time: 0x01d803d112824034 Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE\Ssms.exe Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll Report Id: 170d3dd9-92a3-46cd-b39b-438d0685b905 Faulting package full name:  Faulting package-relative application ID:  But the second time I started SSMS it managed to start without crashing. I had a terrible big amount of duplicate tabs but the history is intact [image] So thank you very much. Have a nice weekend! BR John / comments
Hi,That was the first time I noticed this bug. After I started on a new SavedTabs.db, I noticed that it reopened duplicates when I restarted SSMS (but only 2 of each tab). I have now upgraded to Sq...
0 votes