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Hi. Yes, I know how to colour object of any type. But it will be very helpful for me to have a diagram coloured just at a time of generation from database by default. Is there any configuration file or something similar? / comments
Hi.Yes, I know how to colour object of any type. But it will be very helpful for me to have a diagram coloured just at a time of generation from database by default. Is there any configuration file...
Colours for different object types in dependency diagram.
Hi. Is there possibility to set default colours for different object types (tables, views, functions etc.) in dependency diagram?
Still I have problem with "update from schema". It is very limiting for my work! / comments
Still I have problem with "update from schema". It is very limiting for my work!
Hi @Jon_Kirkwood. Thanks for you answers. ad another machine: yes, I tried it and the problem is the same ad smaller database (at the same db server): yes, it is much faster ad CPU and RAM: cca 0,1% CPU nad 53MB RAM in case of small db, cca 2% CPU and up to 100MB in case of big db ad depth level of objects: zero level in both used by/use I'm not able to downgrade Redgate at the moment. I will send you a message when I will try it. / comments
Hi @Jon_Kirkwood.Thanks for you answers. ad another machine: yes, I tried it and the problem is the samead smaller database (at the same db server): yes, it is much fasterad CPU and RAM: cca 0,1% C...
RedGate second instance installation
I have updated SSMS from 18 into 19 version right now. So I have 2 SSMSs at computer now. I have RedGate at SSMS18 (the old one) installed. How I can to get RedGate into second instance of SSMS19 (...
Creating Dependency diagram is time consumption
To create diagram take a tens minutes. Where could be a problem?The database has about 400 tables and about 60GB.
Hi @Kurt_M. It looks good after complete reinstallation of Toolbelt and SSMS and two restarts of windows. Thanks for your help. / comments
Hi @Kurt_M. It looks good after complete reinstallation of Toolbelt and SSMS and two restarts of windows. Thanks for your help.
Hi Kurt, DT looks like licensed - see the picture. And SSMS Integration pack looks installed too - see the picture.[image] [image] / comments
Hi Kurt, DT looks like licensed - see the picture. And SSMS Integration pack looks installed too - see the picture.
If I start Dependency tracker from Start it works proprely. There is only missing the link from SSMS there. / comments
If I start Dependency tracker from Start it works proprely. There is only missing the link from SSMS there.
Hi and thanks fow your advice. I have Dependency Tracker at the list. I reinstalled RedGate Toolbet twice. But still the same problem. Unfortunately. [image] [image] [image] / comments
Hi and thanks fow your advice. I have Dependency Tracker at the list. I reinstalled RedGate Toolbet twice. But still the same problem. Unfortunately.