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I've found an error...ERROR ServerObjectIndexer - Exception while Indexing Server: System.EntrypointNotFoundException: Unable to find an Entry point named 'SQLlite3_open_interop' DLL ' SQLite.Interop.dll' / comments
I've found an error...ERROR ServerObjectIndexer - Exception while Indexing Server:System.EntrypointNotFoundException: Unable to find an Entry point named 'SQLlite3_open_interop' DLL ' SQLite.Intero...
I can't open SQL Search outside of SQL 2012 int integrated / comments
I can't open SQL Search outside of SQL 2012 int integrated
I've looked into the folder where all the indexes are stored so all the databases are all in there but the indexes are all zero. I have also tried looking for names such as Select, From,m Where and data files that I know but I see the index come up with Indexing but still no results are displayed / comments
I've looked into the folder where all the indexes are stored so all the databases are all in there but the indexes are all zero. I have also tried looking for names such as Select, From,m Where and...