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Let me share what I have no far. This will download the latest version and extract it: <div>$awsroot = ""</div><div>$awsquery = "?delimiter=/&prefix=checkforupdates/SQLMonitorWeb/"</div><div><br></div><div>$xml = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument</div><div>$xml.load($awsroot + $awsquery)</div><div><br></div><div>$sortedcontents = $xml.ListBucketResult.Contents | where-object {$_.key -notlike "*.sha256"} | sort-object -Property LastModified -Descending</div><div><br></div><div>write-host $sortedcontents[0].Key</div><div><br></div><div>$url = $awsroot + $sortedcontents[0].Key</div><div><br></div><div>$filename = $sortedcontents[0].Key.Substring($sortedcontents[0].key.lastindexof("/") + 1)</div><div><br></div><div>Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url -Method GET -OutFile "C:\Temp\$filename"</div><div><br></div><div>cd \Temp</div><div><br></div><div>& C:\Temp\$filename /IAgreeToTheEULA extract web.msi</div> I tried curl but couldn't get it to work. Also PowerShells Invoke-WebRequest isn't the quickest either. / comments
Let me share what I have no far. This will download the latest version and extract it:<div>$awsroot = ""</div><div>$awsquery = "?delimiter=/&prefi...
Hi @Alex B After messing around a bit with PowerShell, one of our developers came up with this script that will download the latest installer:
<div>$awsroot = ""</div><div>$awsquery = "?delimiter=/&prefix=checkforupdates/SQLMonitorWeb/"</div><br><div>$xml = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument</div><div>$xml.load($awsroot + $awsquery)</div><br><div>$sortedcontents = $xml.ListBucketResult.Contents | where-object {$_.key -notlike "*.sha256"} | sort-object -Property LastModified -Descending</div><br><div>write-host $sortedcontents[0].Key</div><br><div>$url = $awsroot + $sortedcontents[0].Key</div><br><div>$filename = $sortedcontents[0].Key.Substring($sortedcontents[0].key.lastindexof("/") + 1)</div><br><div>Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url -Method GET -OutFile "C:\Temp\$filename<span>"</span></div>
Was wondering if we can then just execute the downloaded file so there are no prompts? Regards Andrew
/ comments
Hi @Alex B After messing around a bit with PowerShell, one of our developers came up with this script that will download the latest installer:
<div>$awsroot = "http://redgate-download.s3...
I've seen the alert exclusion but was thinking more of wheres its displayed on the instance page. I use Idera's Compliance Manager and it starts and stops traces every few minutes which tend to flood the SQL Log. There used to be a trace flag (3688) that could be set to suppress these entries but that seems to have been discontinued in recent versions. / comments
I've seen the alert exclusion but was thinking more of wheres its displayed on the instance page. I use Idera's Compliance Manager and it starts and stops traces every few minutes which tend to flo...