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Latest activity by Jan88
Hi Robyn, Thank you very much for your feedback. That is a good hint to standardize the format, it will help me as well. But my main issue is that we have a lot of different databases in use, in different countries in Europe and US. Some are configured with case sensitivity, that mean when I want to address a column like CustomNo. and the original column name is written in small letters like customNo. or customno. it is not the same. For this cases it makes sense to validate if the used column name is valid for the selected database, and for linked servers as well. If not replace the expression with the right format. Do you understand my problem? SincerelyJan / comments
Hi Robyn, Thank you very much for your feedback. That is a good hint to standardize the format, it will help me as well. But my main issue is that we have a lot of different databases in use, in di...
Russell D said:
Depending on what version you're using there is an issue in Prompt to do with Linked Servers. If you're using the latest I'd advise downgrading to and waiting until the next release where we've fixed this behaviour.
Hi Russell, no I did the downgrade and the issue is the same. At least the function tab after select * provides now the column names and solve it. / comments
Russell D said:
Depending on what version you're using there is an issue in Prompt to do with Linked Servers. If you're using the latest I'd advise downgrading to
Hi Russell, thank you very much for your fast reply. :-D Yes, I use the last version and I will follow you hint with downgrading. I will comment on it if it is working and I'm happy to know that this bug is known so it can be fixed in the next version. Sincerely Jan / comments
Hi Russell, thank you very much for your fast reply. :-D Yes, I use the last version and I will follow you hint with downgrading. I will comment on it if it is working and I'm happy to know that th...
Validate the correct use of capital and small initial letters in db names, columns and so on
Is there an option in SQL Prompt available to validate the correct use of capital and small initial letters in names like database, columns and so on. In some database there exists a case sensitivi...