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Just for completeness The SCO script referred to by jaspernygaard lLooks like this: <div>--
-- Script generated by Schema Compare for Oracle on 07/11/2018 14:41:05
(id number,
kode number,
besnr number,
dyreart number,
bemaerkning varchar2(200),
logonid varchar2(30),
ajourtid date);
AS TABLE OF dcf_services.o_besbemaerkning;
ALTER FUNCTION dcf_services.fpipe_besbemaerkning COMPILE;
ALTER FUNCTION dcf_services.fpipe_besbemaerkning COMPILE;
DROP TYPE dcf_services.to_besbemaerkning;
</div><div></div> / comments
Just for completeness The SCO script referred to by jaspernygaard lLooks like this:<div>--
-- Script generated by Schema Compare for Oracle on 07/11/2018 14:41:05
deleted - duplicate / comments
deleted - duplicate
For anyone else seeing this thread. This has been resolved. Qouting Eddie from the ticket to what solved our specific problem.(note you might have same symptoms due to other underlying issues) "There is an error which is permissions related trying to obtain the Materialized View Reduced Precision. I suspect you may already know this, our tools query a number of data dictionaries and system objects as listed in this help article: The query being run is as follows: SELECT s.sowner as owner, s.vname as mview_name, decode(bitand(s.flag, 262144), 262144, 'Y', 'N') as reduced_precisions FROM sys.snap$ s WHERE ((s.sowner = 'H6601' OR s.sowner = 'DCFO' OR s.sowner = 'DCF_SERVICES' OR s.sowner = 'H0915' OR s.sowner = 'SNP' OR s.sowner = 'GLRCHR' OR s.sowner = 'INVOICING' OR s.sowner = 'REPORTING' OR s.sowner = 'STAGING' OR s.sowner = 'H6601ADM' OR s.sowner = 'H6601FEJL') ); I suspect the user of your RHS does not have security permissions to the system object 'sys.snap$' which results in a ORA-00942 error. Just before this point in the log file the process indicates it is populating object privileges, types, triggers, clusters, materialized views. Does giving the user for the RHS permissions to 'sys.snap$' help to resolve the problem? " / comments
For anyone else seeing this thread. This has been resolved.Qouting Eddie from the ticket to what solved our specific problem.(note you might have same symptoms due to other underlying issues)"There...
Hi Redgate, Would you care to comment on whether you think using a '...on prebuilt table ...start with timestamp' for a MV extracted at one point in time from one database make sense to deploy to or just compare to another database (or the same at a different point in time) For such a deployment to work the data in the 'prebuilt table' and data in the logtable should first be deployed (which redgate does not do). Thanks, Anders / comments
Hi Redgate,Would you care to comment on whether you think using a '...on prebuilt table ...start with timestamp' for a MV extracted at one point in time from one database make sense to deploy to or...
I have tried doing the extract and comparison with 'ignore: materialized view START WITH value' It still embeds the start with clause in the comparison and in the created deployment script. As the deployment script does't deploy data (nor should it) in the underlying table or the mview log table that is used to make the incremental refresh with the time for the 'start with' is meaningless to transfer or compare. The deployment script will try to recreate the mview, but could fail or cause inconsistent data as the log table might not contain data since the 'start with' time (which comes from a different instantation of the mview on a different database) nor will the 'prebuilt table' contain data as of the 'start with' time. / comments
I have tried doing the extract and comparison with 'ignore: materialized view START WITH value' It still embeds the start with clause in the comparison and in the created deployment script.As the d...
Regarding the 'ignore: materialized view START WITH value' option. The option does exclude the start with clause from comparison. I cannot foresee any situation where you would not want to ignore the start with clause when it is phrased like an absolut time. The problem is around the start with timestamp. When there is a genuine difference in the MVIEW then the deployment wizard takes the timestamp clause with absolut time from the source (LHS) database and uses that on the destination database. That does not make sense as it refers to validity of data in a potential prebuilt table and a mview log table which are on the destination database. / comments
Regarding the 'ignore: materialized view START WITH value' option. The option does exclude the start with clause from comparison. I cannot foresee any situation where you would not want to ignore t...