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We'll send you a feedback survey in about a weeks time. Or, feel free to email the team directly at / comments
We'll send you a feedback survey in about a weeks time. Or, feel free to email the team directly at
Our intention is to use feedback from the EAP group to help prioritise what goes into the first full release. I'm pretty certain that will include support for Mac and Linux but we're very interested to hear where the group steers us. Tim / comments
Our intention is to use feedback from the EAP group to help prioritise what goes into the first full release. I'm pretty certain that will include support for Mac and Linux but we're very intereste...
The preview of SQL Prompt in Azure Data Studio is ready! We’re looking for a group of forward-thinking customers to join our Early Access Program and work with us to help design and build what SQL Prompt will look like in a brand new IDE.
Are you an ADS user or are happy to start using ADS for the duration of the program? Learn more here .
The program is currently only open to customers who use ADS on Windows. / comments
The preview of SQL Prompt in Azure Data Studio is ready! We’re looking for a group of forward-thinking customers to join our Early Access Program and work with us to help design and build what...