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Rebaselining with a SQLClone baseline
Good Day,We currently are using SCA to manage a very large and active database project. We originally set this up using a regular baseline script and added migrations as we went. The project is get...
Release Notes link directing to Atlassian login page
This may be a transient issue and is solved by navigating to the correct documentation page, but the link that is being shown for me is not correct. I am referring to the page you are directed to a...
Azure DevOps Plugin 3.2.2 breaking logging change
We have been allowing the Azure Devops builds to use the latest version for all builds. As of version 3.2.2 we found a new bug in the behavior. There appears to be a built in logger timeout that wi...
Azure DevOps YAML
Azure DevOps and TFS both support using the SCA tasks in their pipelines. Azure DevOps allows one to create build and release pipelines using the tasks with the designer very easily, but we are for...