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I done many test and it appear that C# and VB.Net code can't be show. but IL view show me that : .method public static bool UpdateLienQuestionnementUtilisateur(int32 pIdUtilisateur, int32 pIdQuestionnement, class EBQ.DTO.LienQuestionnementUtilisateurTransfertObject pLienQuestionnementUtilisateurTransfertObject) cil managed { .maxstack 3 .locals init ( [0] class [mscorlib]System.Collections.ArrayList list, [1] class [System.Data]System.Data.IDbCommand command, [2] bool flag) L_0000: newobj instance void [mscorlib]System.Collections.ArrayList::.ctor() L_0005: stloc.0 L_0006: ldloc.0 L_0007: ldstr "@IdUtilisateur" L_000c: ldarg.0 L_000d: box int32 L_0012: call class [System.Data]System.Data.IDataParameter EBQ.DAO.AbstractDAO::getDataParameter(string, object) L_0017: callvirt instance int32 [mscorlib]System.Collections.ArrayList::Add(object) L_001c: pop L_001d: ldloc.0 L_001e: ldstr "@IdQuestionnement" L_0023: ldarg.1 L_0024: box int32 L_0029: call class [System.Data]System.Data.IDataParameter EBQ.DAO.AbstractDAO::getDataParameter(string, object) L_002e: callvirt instance int32 [mscorlib]System.Collections.ArrayList::Add(object) L_0033: pop L_0034: ldloc.0 L_0035: ldstr "@Droits" L_003a: ldarg.2 L_003b: callvirt instance uint8 EBQ.DTO.LienQuestionnementUtilisateurTransfertObject::get_P_Droits() L_0040: box uint8 L_0045: call class [System.Data]System.Data.IDataParameter EBQ.DAO.AbstractDAO::getDataParameter(string, object) L_004a: callvirt instance int32 [mscorlib]System.Collections.ArrayList::Add(object) L_004f: pop L_0050: ldc.i4.1 L_0051: stloc.2 L_0052: leave.s L_006b L_0054: leave.s L_006b L_0056: call / comments
I done many test and it appear that C# and VB.Net code can't be show. but IL view show me that : .method public static bool UpdateLienQuestionnementUtilisateur(int32 pIdUtilisateur, int32 pIdQuesti...
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