Activity overview
Latest activity by ChrisHyde
Completed! In question #9, It should be Azure SQL Managed Instance, not Azure Management Instance. And maybe Azure Cosmos DB should be in there as well? / comments
Completed!In question #9, It should be Azure SQL Managed Instance, not Azure Management Instance. And maybe Azure Cosmos DB should be in there as well?
Hoping to make it this time now that I've *finally* learned how to import .ics files into my Google calendar... / comments
Hoping to make it this time now that I've *finally* learned how to import .ics files into my Google calendar...
Thanks for the quick response, Annabel! Sorry if I was coming across as too negative in my previous comment. / comments
Thanks for the quick response, Annabel! Sorry if I was coming across as too negative in my previous comment.
Disappointed to see that the first two videos uploaded to the "new" PASStv YouTube channel are both marketing vids. Not the start I was hoping for. :-( / comments
Disappointed to see that the first two videos uploaded to the "new" PASStv YouTube channel are both marketing vids. Not the start I was hoping for. :-(
Although Redgate has now moved away almost completely from the Business Intelligence / Data Analytics side of our industry, I hope very much that side will still be strongly represented in future SQL Saturdays and Virtual Summit 2021! Please let me know what I can to do help! / comments
Although Redgate has now moved away almost completely from the Business Intelligence / Data Analytics side of our industry, I hope very much that side will still be strongly represented in future S...
Looking forward to it! / comments
Looking forward to it!
Thanks for all your hard work, Roseanna! Welcome Eleanor! Sorry for the lateness - I missed this announcement last month. / comments
Thanks for all your hard work, Roseanna!Welcome Eleanor!Sorry for the lateness - I missed this announcement last month.
Sales Contact for New Mexico?
I was just talking up Data Masker to one of my clients in New Mexico, and they sound pretty interested. Is there a way for me to connect them to the appropriate sales rep in a more informal introd...
A virtual "pot luck" where we all make dishes from the Redgate cookbook would be fun. / comments
A virtual "pot luck" where we all make dishes from the Redgate cookbook would be fun.
Great news! / comments
Great news!