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select TerritoryID , Name , [Group] -- nvarchar(50) , SalesYTD as YearToDate -- money , SalesLastYear as LastYear -- money from Sales.SalesTerritory / comments
select TerritoryID , Name , [Group] -- nvarchar(50) , SalesYTD as YearToDate -- money , SalesLastYear as LastYear -- money from Sales.SalesTerritory
0 votes
Attached is the style file (zipped). For the above query, I am expecting SQLPrompt to format using all tabs for the list items, starting with the first list item and all subsequent column names indented. / comments
Attached is the style file (zipped). For the above query, I am expecting SQLPrompt to format using all tabs for the list items, starting with the first list item and all subsequent column names in...
0 votes
the style file extension (.log) needs to be removed - the upload tool wouldn't let me use this file without putting a 3 character extension on the file / comments
the style file extension (.log) needs to be removed - the upload tool wouldn't let me use this file without putting a 3 character extension on the file
0 votes