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Fair enough! Decision made... Share will be on destination server! Thank you for the insightful discussion. / comments
Fair enough! Decision made... Share will be on destination server! Thank you for the insightful discussion.
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eddie davis wrote: Do you want me to submit a request to include the pre and post processing tasks for the backup job appear in the "In Progress" tab? Yes Please! This has caused much confusion too on our end... / comments
eddie davis wrote: Do you want me to submit a request to include the pre and post processing tasks for the backup job appear in the "In Progress" tab? Yes Please! This has caused much confusio...
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I just performed that same query to better understand what is occuring behind the scene. SELECT a.backup_start_date, b.physical_device_name, * FROM msdb..backupset a INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily b ON a.media_set_id = b.media_set_id WHERE type = 'L' AND database_name = 'KVZ' AND a.backup_start_date > '22-May-2007' ORDER BY a.backup_start_date Is it normal to see 3 entries for each backup performed by SQL Backup? For instance, the 10am transaction log backup shows up in 3 rows, with the following differences: physical_device_name: d:\SQL Backups\LOG_(local)_KVZ_20070524_100000.sqb SQLBACKUP_D4283421-E149-4BA4-B0AA-2B61B115864701 SQLBACKUP_D4283421-E149-4BA4-B0AA-2B61B115864702 family_sequence_number: 1 2 3 media_family_id: FAF0F730-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 FCEE3063-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 DF802B2A-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 logical_device_name: Red Gate SQL Backup ( NULL NULL If I look at entries dated before our cutover to SQL Backup, I only see 1 entry per transaciton log backup from the MSSQL backup process. I suspect this may be related to have 3 threads... if so is this normal? and is this ok/safe? / comments
I just performed that same query to better understand what is occuring behind the scene.SELECT a.backup_start_date, b.physical_device_name, * FROM msdb..backupset a INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafami...
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