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We're seeing the following error in our logs when we try to run SQL Backup:
SQL Backup v4.6.0.815
ERRSQB: 5150 (Error opening mutex.) (Global\SQBMutex_): 5 (Access is denied.)
We're running the following command:
exec master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [ManageRpts] TO DISK = ''\\cifs1psb\sql_files\PLATEAUsrv\ManageRpts\ManageRpts_DB_200704130000.bak ''WITH COMPRESSION = 3 "'
I searched in the registry for the key mentioned above, and the key is there and looks correct.
Any ideas? Let me know if you need more information. / comments
We're seeing the following error in our logs when we try to run SQL Backup:
SQL Backup v4.6.0.815
ERRSQB: 5150 (Error opening mutex.) (Global\SQBMutex_): 5 (Access is denied.)
We're running ...