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hmm... In that case we won't be able to effectively use the Licences which we had already bought. I was told that it is in development when I enquired with one of your developer. anyways thanks for clarification. Regds, Rakesh / comments
hmm... In that case we won't be able to effectively use the Licences which we had already bought. I was told that it is in development when I enquired with one of your developer. anyways thanks for...
0 votes
Support for Windows NT 4
Hi Guys, I have been repeatedly asking the same question about the support for your software for Windows NT. I'm working in an environment where we have mixture of operating systems (winNT 4.0, Win...
2 followers 2 comments 0 votes
Hi Peter, sorry for delay.. Please find my comments.. Could you pls provide me the following information so that I may try to reproduce the error: > hardware - single-processo - amount of ram (2,095,508 KB RAM) > OS Microsoft Windows 2000 service Pack 4 - clustered - YEs > SQL Server SQL Server 2000 Ver 8.0 > SQL Backup details SQL Backup 3.2.0, (c) Red Gate Software Ltd 2004 - 2005 > backup details - number of backups ran before encountering error => for 5 days.. - backup script CREATE PROCEDURE spRG_ALL_DB_BACKUP AS set nocount on declare @datestamp varchar(30) declare @databasename varchar(200) declare @backuppath varchar(500) declare @filename varchar(500) declare @backupstring varchar(1000) declare @failcount int declare @failflag int declare @hresult int /* store OLE automation result */ declare @ole_FileSys int /* filesystemobject */ declare @ole_Folder int /* folder object */ declare @ole_Source varchar (255) declare @ole_Description varchar (255) declare @foldername varchar (255) create table #tmpsqberrors (failcode int) set @backuppath = 'D:\Backup\' declare dbs cursor for select NAME from sysdatabases where name not in ('tempdb') order by dbid open dbs fetch dbs into @databasename @fetch_status != -1 begin set @datestamp = left(replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar(30), getdate(), 120), '-', ''), ' ', ''), ':', ''), 12) --set @foldername=@backuppath + @databasename set @filename = @backuppath + '\' + @databasename + '_db_(full)_' + @datestamp + '.sqb' set @backupstring = '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE TO DISK = ''' + @filename + ''' WITH NAME = ''Database (' + @databasename + ') Full'',MAILTO_ONERROR=''BBHATT@PRIMUSTEL.CO.UK'', ERASEFILES = 2, COMPRESSION = 2" -E' exec @failflag=master..sqlbackup @backupstring if @failflag=0 BEGIN insert into #tmpsqberrors (failcode) VALUES (1) END fetch dbs into @databasename END -- CLEANUP: close dbs deallocate dbs select @failflag=COUNT(*) FROM #tmpsqberrors if @failflag > 0 begin RAISERROR ('Backup failed to complete successfully for all databases.', 16, 1) end -- EXEC sp_OADestroy @ole_FileSys DROP TABLE #tmpsqberrors set nocount off RETURN 0 GO - frequency of backup schedule => Daily once - number of databases backed up per backup run => 37 - size of databases backed up => 85 GB (std SQL backup) > error information - how did you determine that it was a memory error? => System went down twice. Got to know the error from event monitor stating that Memory pool is full. - was the memory increase linked to the SQL Server process, or the SQL Backup service process? => AS soon as I disabled/ un-install red-gate SQL backup. Server is stable. - what are the errors recorded in the SQL Server log files - any errors recorded in the Windows event log Can't record any errors as I have to restart the system for first time. Second time when same issue occured, system autmatically shut down. I hope this info is suffice to investigate the prob / comments
Hi Peter, sorry for delay.. Please find my comments.. Could you pls provide me the following information so that I may try to reproduce the error: > hardware - single-processo - amount of ram (2,09...
0 votes
Memory pool gets filled up
Hello, I have installed SQL Back in our Production server and scheduled a job for the same through stored procedure. After 3-4 days the memory of the systems gradually increased and ultimately got ...
3 followers 11 comments 0 votes