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GRANT statement
Hello, A short note: it seems that there is no support for GRANT statement or to create a user. While the latter might not be so frequent, the former is quite frequent, at least in my case. With ki...
1 follower 1 comment 0 votes
Schema from another database
Hello, after having tried the previous version of SQL Prompt, I am on for this last beta version. Overall, I have a very good impression w/r to the last one. One thing I do absolutely love: in a sc...
1 follower 1 comment 0 votes
Feature suggestion: export/import of options
Hello, [idea mentionned in another forum] as the number of configuration options grows, so does the need for being able to manage them, for instance by being able to export them, save them centrall...
1 follower 1 comment 0 votes
BUG: adding twice the same alias
Hello, I try to write a simple query joining syscolumns and sysobjects, and the code inserted by the tool looks like: select * from [sys].[syscolumns] AS s inner join [sys]....
1 follower 1 comment 0 votes
Some layout whishes
Hello, I've been playing around with the tool, and for the most part, it does want I expect it to do. However, I've got my preferences for writing queries, and I I could not configure the tool for ...
0 followers 0 comments 0 votes
First impressions
Hello, I just downloaded and installed SQL Prompt 3.0. I'd like to share my first impressions. While I might be reporting mostly problems, annoyances or features that surprised me because of their ...
2 followers 2 comments 0 votes
Auto-completion with GRANT statement
Hello, if I want to GRANT some rights on a table (like GRANT SELECT ON), the intellisense seems to work OK. But if I start typing GRANT EXECUTE ON, intellisense is providing me with a list of table...
1 follower 1 comment 0 votes
New feature request
Hello, when I want to execute a stored proc, I type: EXEC usp and SQL provides me with a list of stored proc. Fine! But now, if I want to execute a system stored proc, SQL Prompt does not provide m...
1 follower 1 comment 0 votes
New feature request: including columns in SSF
Hello, just another idea for extending the feature set: when I am typing select * from my table, i'd like to replace automatically * by the actual list fo columns. Today, I am using the SQL Query A...
3 followers 3 comments 0 votes
Another suggestion: intellisense for views
Hello, this is a great tool, that can potentially save quite a lot of time and effort! I say potentially, because in my current project, I work quite a lot with views (select from myView), and alas...
2 followers 5 comments 0 votes