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Can I add data without truncating via command line?
I'm trying to generate data while keeping application meta data present (200+ tables) without truncating all of it via the command line. Is there a way to do this?I'm not running a sqlgen file as ...
When does the automation pack get the latest updates?
I currently have licenses for the SQL Developer Bundle and Oracle Deployment Suite on my local machine, and have the automation pack on a build server and have noticed that the versions in the auto...
exit code signifying successful run with differences
I'm running both versions of Schema Compare for Sql Server and Oracle via command line in the automation pack. Is there an exit code that I can catch in my application that would signify that diff...
syntax to connect as sysdba in command line?
Is there any way to connect as sys as sysdba via the command line? I can do it through the UI but want to automate the compares and report generation in the same way that we run the UI.
Thanks in ...