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SQL Backup's course of events gimmick is there to caution you about things like this - on the grounds that SQL Server does not permit you to run two reinforcements on the same database in the meantime, it is letting you know that you are going to have problems.the arrangement is to amaze the reinforcements or to do them less much of the time. Case in point on the off chance that you are attempting to log dispatch like clockwork and the log reinforcements take ten minutes, the reinforcement employments can fall flat.
I am mindful that in the event that you attempt to alter work by hand in SSMS, it can soften the parser up a way that you can no more alter the occupation utilizing SQL Backup. / comments
SQL Backup's course of events gimmick is there to caution you about things like this - on the grounds that SQL Server does not permit you to run two reinforcements on the same database in the meant...