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Need to restore Multiple Databases on the same SQL Instance
For Disaster Recovery purposes I have a directory of full backup files that need to be restored to a single sql instance. Is there any way to either script or use the gui to say restore each of th...
Correct Syntax for Restoring sQBHeaderOnly with Password
I am having issues with the syntax for sqbheaderonly in SQL SERVER Managment Studio
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE SQBHEADERONLY FROM DISK = ''c:\backups\FULL_DB001_superbill_24305_prod_2...
Using a Password file with sqb2mtf command line
Can I use a password file with sqb2mtf command? Or can I only use a password when the backup is encrypted. HEre is what I am trying to do.
SQB2MTF "c:\FULL_DB024_KareoMaintenance_20140120_113510_...