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finally got it. I had to make sqlserver and sqlagent run with adminstrative credentials. Giving permissions to the log folder was not enough. Maybe someone at redgate would know exactly where and what permissions are needed when sqlbackup is run with non-administrative credentials which may be needed in some environments.
Thanks again.
Chandra / comments
finally got it. I had to make sqlserver and sqlagent run with adminstrative credentials. Giving permissions to the log folder was not enough. Maybe someone at redgate would know exactly ...
Thanks Brian,
I tried the MAILTO option still no success in obtaining the log. However this failure only occurs when I used an SQLAgent job to run the SQL which runs the Redgate backup command using the sequence of sql shown below in a stored procedure. If I run redgate sqlbackup manually/interactively I am able to get the log both through email and through the normal text file stored on disk. Could it be due to user permssions? since sqlagent runs under a domain user account or is it something else?
select @... =
TO DISK = ''' + @Path + '\' + name + '_' + convert(varchar(10),getdate(),112) + '_' + replace(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),108), ':', '') + '.sqb''
WITH NAME = ''' + name + ' ' + replace(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),6),' ','-') + ' ' + convert(varchar(8),getdate(),108) + ''',
DESCRIPTION = ''Backup on ' + replace(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),6),' ','-') + ' ' + convert(varchar(8),getdate(),108) + ' Database: ' + name + ''',
LOGTO = '' + @Logpath + '',
MAILTO = '''',
ERASEFILES = ' + convert(varchar(3),@RetentionPeriod) + ',
exec master..sqlbackup @... / comments
Thanks Brian,
I tried the MAILTO option still no success in obtaining the log. However this failure only occurs when I used an SQLAgent job to run the SQL which runs the Redgate backup command usi...
log missing
I am having trouble trying to get the logs of successful backups. I know it is suppossed to be written to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Log but the ...