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Visual Studio Team Edition for DB Pros
I am starting to use the new version of VS Team Edition for DB pros a lot and it would be nice if sql prompt could be added into VS proper. Since SSMS is based on VS anyway I wouldn't have thought ...
Database Mail
With the addition of message queues etc in sql server 2005 its becoming a lot more common now to shove stuff on to a queue with an aysnchronous trigger and them consmue stuff off the queue and send...
DDL Triggers
When i try to synchronise a database that contains DDL triggers the script always sets ansi_nulls and quoted_identifiers off.
I initially thought it must be me but I have checked sys.triggers and t...
I am also having problems synchronising extended properties the probelm appears to be that sql compare is substituting USER where it should in fact be SCHEMA
SQL compare produces
sp_addextendedproperty N'Description', N'Updates an existing user in the Users table.', 'USER', N'Requests', 'PROCEDURE', N'updateUser', NULL, NULL
but this should be
sp_addextendedproperty N'Description', N'Updates an existing user in the Users table.', 'SCHEMA', N'Requests', 'PROCEDURE', N'updateUser', NULL, NULL
David / comments
I am also having problems synchronising extended properties the probelm appears to be that sql compare is substituting USER where it should in fact be SCHEMA
SQL compare produces