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WARNING: Schema names in deployment scripts and "Run As"
I know that in the Behavior options for the project, I can configure SCO to exclude schema names in the deployment script. However, this can be confusing if the target schema differs from the conne...
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ERROR: Sequence contains no matching element
Currently running Program version I've successfully generated the DS2 schema into a scripts folder, with the only non-default option being to ignore schema names. However, when I now atte...
2 followers 2 comments 0 votes
ERROR: Nullable object must have a value
I'm attempting to compare and deploy a full schema to an empty scripts folder. Schema is the Dell DVD Store Datatbase Test Suite found here: I've installed the schem...
2 followers 7 comments 0 votes
v1.0 release upgrade won't launch
After using the in-tool link to download and install the upgrade to the 1.0 version, I'm getting the following error: The invocation of the constructor on type 'SourceControlForOracle.MainWindowVie...
2 followers 5 comments 0 votes