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Me and my team are using Red-gate's SQLDOC for our DB Docs. We have a built nightly PowerShell that run SQLDOC command line that is running to over the current post SQLDOCs. The workaround to to have one sub-folder for each server/project. <# ===================== Delete Current SQLDOC ===================== #> $path = '\\server\d$\PVP\PVP21\webcontent\Powershell\Database_Documentation\DBPrime1\' Get-ChildItem $path | Sort-Object { $_.Name -as [Version] } | Select-Object -Last 1 | Remove-Item -recurse <# =============== Create SQLDOC =============== #> $CMD = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Doc 2\sqldoc.exe' $arg1 = '/project:H:\My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Red-Gate\DBPrime1.sqldoc' $arg2 = '/filetype:html-frames' $arg3 = '/force' $arg4 = '/outputfolder:"\\server\d$\PVP\PVP21\webcontent\Powershell\Database_Documentation\DBPrime1"' & $CMD $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4 <# "C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Doc 2\sqldoc.exe" /project:"H:\My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Red-Gate\DBPrime1.sqldoc" /filetype:html-frames /force /outputfolder:"\\server\d$\PVP\PVP21\webcontent\Powershell\Database_Documentation\DBPrime1" #> <# =============== Rename Directory =============== #> cd \\server\d$\PVP\PVP21\webcontent\Powershell\Database_Documentation\DBPrime1 dir | Where-Object {$_.Name} | Rename-Item -NewName "DBPrime1" / comments
Me and my team are using Red-gate's SQLDOC for our DB Docs. We have a built nightly PowerShell that run SQLDOC command line that is running to over the current post SQLDOCs. The workaround to to ha...
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