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Mediaset families missing after conversion from SQB
I have an SQB backup that I converted back to a .BAK so I could restore through the SQL Server native GUI.
During the conversion the SQB was extracted to 23 seperate BAK files. If I understand ...
Restore Log takes many hours to fail
We have a daily log restore to a secondary database. For one reason or another, we have problems getting all the user connections to be automatically disconnected before the restore starts and...
Restore Database suceeded but physical file location wrong
Hi all,
I restored a training database a couple of months ago from a redgate backup of our production database. I supplied the new file locations since the data and log needed to be on a different...
Diff backup still in progress on timeline after completion
Hi all,
I am running SQL Backup 6.5.
As of a couple of days ago, one of the differential backup jobs on a database is shown as still in progress on the In Progress tab, and shows up on the timeline...