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Small addition to my previous post: seems ObjectExistenceChecks in my case comes from the .scp file and is not overriden by command line. / comments
Small addition to my previous post: seems ObjectExistenceChecks in my case comes from the .scp file and is not overriden by command line.
It seems ObjectExistenceChecks is always on in SQL Compare 10.2 when generating deployment script with command line. I'm using these options:
/Project:Core_rollout.scp /Scriptfile:Scripts\Rollout_2_Auto_Gen_Schema.sql /Force /ScriptEncoding:ASCII /Options:None,DecryptPost2KEncryptedObjects,IgnoreDatabaseAndServerName,IgnoreFileGroups,IgnoreFillFactor,IgnoreIndexLockProperties,IgnoreNotForReplication,IgnorePermissions,IgnoreReplicationTriggers,IgnoreStatistics,IgnoreUserProperties,IgnoreUsers,IgnoreWhiteSpace,IgnoreWithElementOrder,IgnoreWithNocheck,IgnoreConstraintNames,DisableSOCForLiveDBs,IgnoreStatisticsNorecompute,NoTransactions
and it always inserts existance checks.
The reason why I am trying to disable check is that SQL Compare generates strange name for bindings in the existance check part:
...AND default_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].dbo.[D_FlagFalse]]]', 'D'))
which doesn't work
Any ideas how to get rid of any of those 2 issues?
Kind regards
Taras / comments
It seems ObjectExistenceChecks is always on in SQL Compare 10.2 when generating deployment script with command line. I'm using these options:
/Project:Core_rollout.scp /Scriptfile:Scripts\Rollou...