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This is what I wrote to backup all databases on a daily basis. It's a single stored procedure that you can schedule whenever. It will create a control table that lists the databases and defines whether they should be backed-up and for how long to retain previous backups. By default, backup = Y and retention period = 7 days. New databases are automatically added with these defaults (so you don't forget to add new databases to your backup schedule). The control table can then be manipulated manually, if you desire, to change the defaults. And, it could even be modified to include an encrpyt/decrypt value - the SP below automatically encrypts all databases for me. You'll have to generate your own password etc in the @... parameter at the end of the stored procedure, and modify the TO DISK string accordingly. Create the SP in the master database. The control table will also reside master. Not sure if this helps, but it shows what you can do ... or what SQLBackup 4.0 will possibly provide going forward [image] -- -- R.Grey -- 11-Nov-2005 -- -- Stored Procedure: myspEncBackupDaily -- -- Procedure to be scheduled via SQL Server Agent as often as required -- to backup and encrypt all databases using SQL Backup 3.2.0 -- -- Backup files are retained for the period specified in the -- myspEncBackupDaily table (default 7 days) -- -- -- Backup file format -- -- <dbname>_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.sqb -- -- Usage: -- -- exec myspEncBackup 'D:\SQLBackup\' -- CREATE Procedure myspEncBackupDaily @Path varchar(128) as -- create _myspEncBackupDaily table if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[master].[dbo].[_myspEncBackupDaily]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) begin Create table [master].[dbo].[_myspEncBackupDaily] ( Name varchar(128) primary key nonclustered , BackupFlag varchar(1) not null check (BackupFlag in ('Y','N')) , RetentionPeriod int not null ) end set nocount on declare @... varchar(1000) -- Get all database names create table #DBName ( ID int identity (1,1) , Name varchar(128) not null , RetentionPeriod int null ) insert #DBName (Name) select name from master..sysdatabases -- Include any new databases in the backup insert _myspEncBackupDaily ( Name , BackupFlag , RetentionPeriod ) select #DBName.Name , 'Y' , 7 -- default 7 days from #DBName left outer join _myspEncBackupDaily on _myspEncBackupDaily.Name = #DBName.Name where _myspEncBackupDaily.Name is null and lower(#DBName.Name) not in ('tempdb','master','model','msdb') -- Remove any non-existant databases delete _myspEncBackupDaily where not exists ( select * from #DBName where #DBName.Name = _myspEncBackupDaily.Name ) delete #DBName -- loop through databases declare name varchar(128) , @RetentionPeriod int , @ID int , @MaxID int insert #DBName (Name, RetentionPeriod) select Name, RetentionPeriod from _myspEncBackupDaily where BackupFlag = 'Y' select @MaxID = max(ID) , @ID = 0 from #DBName while @ID < @MaxID begin -- get next database to backup select @ID = min(ID) from #DBName where ID > @ID select name = Name , @RetentionPeriod = RetentionPeriod from #DBName where ID = @ID declare @eID int , @eMaxID int , @eName varchar(128) -- now do the backup select @... = '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE TO DISK = ''' + @Path + '\' + name + '_' + convert(varchar(10),getdate(),112) + '_' + replace(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),108), ':', '') + '.sqb'' WITH NAME = ''' + name + ' ' + replace(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),6),' ','-') + ' ' + convert(varchar(8),getdate(),108) + ''', DESCRIPTION = ''Backup on ' + replace(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),6),' ','-') + ' ' + convert(varchar(8),getdate(),108) + ' Database: ' + name + ''', INIT, PASSWORD = ''<ENCRYPTEDPASSWORD>........</ENCRYPTEDPASSWORD>'', ERASEFILES = ' + convert(varchar(3),@RetentionPeriod) + ', COMPRESSION = 3" -E' exec master..sqlbackup @... end GO / comments
This is what I wrote to backup all databases on a daily basis. It's a single stored procedure that you can schedule whenever. It will create a control table that lists the databases and defines whe...
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