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Looking back at the simple-talk blog post where this was all discussed, the following statement was made by James Moore: "The first thing we are doing is continuing to offer the software to the community for free downloading." I guess a lot of commercial software can be downloaded for free, but not used after some kind of time bomb or need for a product key. This was spotted by an alert commenter, who wrote: "I notice that Red Gate '... will continue to offer the software to the community for free downloading'. I have seen that cleaver [sic] tease before. How about continued use for free? What about a basic version for free and a 'Pro' or 'Enterprise' version?" Some who had a profile name of James (I guess supposed to be James Moore, but who knows since the profile is incomplete) says: "@webooth As stated in the introduction we will continue to provide a free version of Reflector." and later: "I understand that people will be sceptical of our motives and are concerned about the future of a great tool. I hope that we can win over those who are sceptical, through our actions not words, that we can be as good custodians of Reflector as we have been of" Oh well, you failed to win us over with actions. Continuing to improve Reflector is fine, and you have the right to be paid for those efforts, but the sneaky announcement doesn't carry much goodwill. At this point, the right thing to do is give away the current version for free and charge for your newer versions. C# 5 is around the corner and eventually your free version wouldn't work in a lot of situations anymore. / comments
Looking back at the simple-talk blog post where this was all discussed, the following statement was made by James Moore: "The first thing we are doing is continuing to offer the software to the com...
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